Assessment: Mental Status cont.
PTSD cont.
Anxiety cont.
Eating Disorders cont.
Misc. LIFE

During this type of assessment, the patient is irritable and refusing to answer questions. This is what is the most important action.

What is complete as many components as possible while being respectful and accepting of the patient's response?


While in the acute care setting or after discharge, a patient who has PTSD is reluctant to attend group education or activities. This is the suggestion that the health care team member should make to the patient.

What is attend a group, with the understanding that you can leave if necessary?


A patient with anxiety disorder is admitted. A health care team member orient patient to the unit which includes when medication are to be given. The team member leaves then the patient asks when medication will be given.

What is the patient was too anxious to retain information provided by the team member?


How the nurse should describe and eating disorder to a 16-year-old female patient who has been binging and purging.

What is a serious, complex illness that affects physical and emotional health?


What does this phrase mean? The grass is always greener on the other side. RELATE it to nursing school.

What is [example: just because you think you have it all figured out, there is always more to learn.]


During the mental status evaluation, the first thing to assess when the patient's gait is uncoordinated and speech is slurred.

What is assess the patient for a medical condition, including intoxication?


A patient is experiencing hypervigilance, nightmares, and flashbacks. These symptoms have contributed to the patient's impulsiveness and an overwhelming urge to cause self-harm. This is what the health care team member should do if this patient expresses suicidal thoughts.

What is initiate suicide precautions and see a psychiatric consult.


A patient with hx of agoraphobia is being admitted. When asked about methods of dealing with anxiety in everyday life patient states "That's easy, I stay at home and drink vodka. That always calms me down.

What is a maladaptive way of responding to symptoms of anxiety.


This is how the nurse can help the family reduce a patient's thoughts or behaviors of disordered eating.

What is recognize and avoid triggers for the disordered eating and behaviors?


TRUE of FALSE: As long as you make good grades in nursing school you will be a good nurse. Give 2 (two) reasons/rationales for your answer.

False -- [example: it takes MORE than good grades to be a good nurse, not everyone it good at tests but they might be good at bedside care and/or working with people.] 


What to say to a family member of a patient when asked why the nurse needs to speak with the patient and not just the family to conduct a mental status exam.

What is the best response is the assessment is an evaluation of the patient's mental status, so it must be conducted with the patient.


This approach should be used by the health care team to develop a plan of care.

What is facilitate shared decision-making to promote the patient's sense of maintaining control of the environment and care.


Three common characteristics of anxiety disorders.

What are worry, irritability, and headache?


This is how the nurse can provide psychological support to a patient with an eating disorder and a history of childhood abuse.

What offer consults from a domestic abuse counselor and the facility chaplain?


TRUE or FALSE: Being a professional STARTS once you get your nursing license. Give a reason/rationale for your answer.

False -- [example: being a professional should start NOW as a student nurse]


The consideration that the nurse should keep in mind what conducting a mental status assessment on an older adult patient.

What is assessing for functional deficits and the required aids necessary to complete the mental status assessment?


How the health care team provides reassurance while building the patient's trust and competence in managing symptoms.

What is using clear communication and simple requests.


"Some anxiety it good", says a patient to a health care team member. This is the best response from the the team member.

What is mild anxiety does promote problem solving by increasing mental focus.


When working with an adolescent patient diagnosed with a binge-eating disorder, the nurse is aware that denial and resistance are likely. This is how the nurse should deal with these issues.

What is talk and work with the patient and family to develop a treatment plan?

These are 2 goals for nursing students during this quarter. Give reasons/rationales for your answers.

1. [example: maintain professionalism no matter what happens to your grades/pass or fail/etc.]

2. [example: start using skills that were learning in nursing school NOW, do not wait to use them once becoming a licensed nurse]


When conducting a mental status assessment on a minor, these are who the nurse should ask for consent from.

What is the parent or guardian AND the patient?


This is the initial action of the health care team member for an adult patient who is experiencing frequent flashbacks about being abused during childhood. 

What is offer reassurance and ask if the patient would like prescribed medication.


Information given to patient and family about anxiety and substance abuse.

What is anxiety disorder often occurs concomitantly with substance abuse.


This is what the nurse is to keep in mind about patients with eating disorders, after admission and while helping plan for patient discharge.

What is they usually try to keep their eating disorder and its compulsions secret?


This is Mrs.Cassady's famous phrase. It will help you now as a student nurse and later as a licensed nurse in your professional life.

What is "It's not personal, it's business"?
