Eating Disorders
Assessment: Mental Status
Borderline Personality Disorder

The patient and spouse ask the nurse how to manage the eating disorder when they go home. This is the coping advice the nurse gives them.

What is follow through with patient referrals and seek support if symptoms return.

A patient presents to the ER accompanied by family members. The patient appears disorganized and distracted. During the mental status evaluation, this is the primary source of data.

What is the patient?

This is what should be done to wake an unstable patient who needs to have their vital signs checked, this patient is sleeping.

What is say the patient's name in a calm but progressively louder voice.


A new health care team member is caring for a patient with BPD and is upset by the patient's behavior. This is the guidance than can be given to improve interactions with this patient.

What is clearly set expectations?


This is the information that is important to teach a patient and family about anxiety.

What is anxiety is a normal adaptive process that is useful for following treatment recommendations.


Severely malnourished patients are at risk for refeeding syndrome when nutrition support is initiated. These are the characteristics of refeeding syndrome.

What is potentially fatal metabolic and physiologic shifts of fluids, electrolytes, and minerals, causing generalized fatigue, lethargy, and muscle weakness.


A patient who has been admitted to the psychiatric unit appears frightened and anxious. This is the most appropriate initial nursing intervention when performing a mental status assessment on this newly admitted patient.

What is obtaining the person's permission.


Patients who learn TF-CBT (Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and grounding techniques realize this.

What is their reaction to a situation is something they are able to control or reframe.


A patient and family are being educated about treatments for BPD. This is the treatment that has shown to be the most effective for this disorder.

What is dialectic behavioral therapy (DBT)?


This is the first priority to tend to a patient who is observed having difficulty breathing, wringing hands, and sweating.

What is check the patient's vital signs and assess for an underlying medical issue.


A patient with bulimia nervosa expresses self-blame and exhibits s/s of depression. Hopelessness and high anxiety may contribute to an urge to escape or to self-harm. This is how the nurse responds to a patient's expression of suicidal thoughts.

What is prompt health care team members to start suicide precautions and seek a psychiatric consult.


During the interview, the patient becomes hostile and argumentative. This is the appropriate nursing action.

What is use principles of trauma-informed care and respect the patient's personal space,


To obtain a blood sample from a newly admitted patient with a diagnosis of PTSD. The patient is hesitant and then becomes belligerent, telling the team member to go away. This is the best response of the team member.

What is explain the test to the patient and offer to have a trusted person present while blood is drawn.


When educating patients and families about characteristics associated with BPD, this trait would not be included in the practitioner's discussion.

What is forming healthy relationships?


This is what a patient experiencing anxiety symptoms include.

What is creating an environment that is open and accepting and allowing the patient to feel comfortable expressing anxiety.

This is when patient-centered goals are appropriate in developing a plan of care for the patient's stay.

What is when the patient gives consent for disclosure of information and the family provides input.

The nurse is attempting to assess a patient with depression who is demonstrating angry behaviors. This is the most appropriate approach for the nurse to take.

What is demonstrate respect and empathy?


This is what is best to do when a health care team member needs to address an adolescent patient who has been diagnosed with PTSD during the assessment with the family present.

What is speak directly with the patient in a respectful and empathic tone, whether or not family members are present.


During a particular stressful period, a patient states a feeling of leaving the body and watching the self doing things. This is the best explanation to provide to the patient.

What is extreme stress can cause the experience of a dissociative episode, feeling you are out of your body.


These are the actions that can be taken to help the patient adaptively cope with anxiety.

What is ask if the patient would like to listen to soothing music.


The nurse does this if a patient has hypokalemia and other electrolyte imbalances related to anorexia nervosa.

What is recognize that life-threatening complications can occur if eating disorders are untreated.

Upon admission, a patient presents with confusion, memory loss, and agitation and is experiencing visual hallucinations. The nurse plans to use standardized assessments to provide a systematic evaluation of the patient. This is the MMSE is chosen by the nurse to measure this aspect of the patient's evaluation.

What is cognition?


A patient with a diagnosis of PTSD has begun to pace and is making increasingly anxious remarks. This is the appropriate action for the health care team member to take.

What is tell the patient that all patients must remain in their rooms to calm down.


A patient diagnosed with BPD states, "You are the worst, and I can't wait to tell your boss what a lousy job you're doing taking care of me. I have the power to get you fire." This is the best response to this situation.

What is taking good care of you is really important to me, it sounds like you are really upset about something, what can I do to help?


These symptoms may indicate that a patient is experiencing PTSD.

What is repeatedly reexperiencing a traumatic event.
