data that the patient 'speaks to us'
What is subjective data?
A BP reading of 190/100 indicates what emergent condition?
hypertensive crisis
This term describes a sudden decrease in blood pressure, and increase in heart rate with change of positions
What is orthostatic hypotension
This term describes difficulty in swallowing
what is dyspagia?
The blanching text is utilized to assess this preventable occurrence.
What is a skin ulcer, or pressure injury
In the nursing profession, ADPIE is known as:
What is the nursing process.
Bonus: What does each letter stand for?
What is oxygen saturation?
Radial pulse assessment indicates irregular rhythm. What is the nurses' next step?
Check apical pulse
This is the state of very low muscle tone
What is hypotonia?
this statement is the most common way to document a typical skin assessment
Assessment data that is measurable
What is objective data?
This temperature reading in celsius signifies a fever (hyperthermia)
What is at or above 38 degrees
This term describes a collapse of the alveoli sacs
What is atelectasis?
This term describes a weakness on one side of the body
What is hemiparesis?
This functional condition is one of the primary causes of skin maceration (redness, breakdown)
what is urinary incontinence?
These types of specific physical assessment correlate with the senses. Can you name all 5?
This is the term for a heart rate less than 60 bpm
What is bradycardia?
Skin tenting, week pedal pulses, bluish color to the skin, cool temperature, decreased capillary refill are signs of what CV condition?
what is arterial insufficiency?
mobility activity that increases bone density, muscle strength, and cognitive function, and improves digestive and respiratory function
what is ambulation, or exercise?
ABCDE is an acronym for what kind of assessment?
What is a mole assessment/melanoma prevention.
Bonus: name what each letter stands for!
Pain r/t injury as evidenced by crying and guarding is an example of
A problem-based (or actual) nursing NANDA diagnosis.
This term describes Respiratory rate greater than 20 per minute
What is tachypnea?
What would the nurse suspect with the assessment: one calf more swollen than the other, (edema), redness, warmth, darkening of the skin, pain or cramping in affected leg.
What is deep vein thrombosis?
These nursing interventions are implemented when a patient has sustained a spinal cord injury
What are spinal precautions
Explain what this means!
making dinner, managing finances, and accessing transportation are examples of the complex skills of which functional health classification?
What are Instrumental Activities of Daily Living?