A nurse would use this type of tube for a straight cath, this type of tube for retention issues and this type of tube for continuous or intermittent bladder irrigation.
What is single lumen for straight cath, double lumen or Foley for draining urine and holding tube in place, and triple lumen for irrigation purposes?
Example of an isotonic, hypotonic and hypertonic solutions are these.
What is 0.9% NaCl isotonic, 0.45% NaCl hypotonic and 3% NaCl hypertonic?
Client teaching in the use of incentive spirometry include these.
What are hold the spirometer in an upright position, exhale normally, seal lips tightly around mouthpiece, take in a slow, deep breath and hold for 2-6 seconds, a nose clip may be used, cough after the incentive effort, relax between attempts, repeat procedure several times then 4-5 times an hour?
When suctioning a patient with an artificial airway, the time of insertion for a naso, oropharygeal airway is this, and for a tracheostomy suctioning is this.
What is 10 to 15 seconds for naso or oropharyngeal and 10 seconds for tracheostomy suctioning?
The definition of residual urine and how would a nurse measure it.
What is urine remaining in the bladder after voiding. The nurse would measure residual urine by either catheterizing the patient or using a bladder scanner to measure the amount of urine in the bladder after the client voids?
Bladder irrigation is ordered by the physician for the following reasons.
What is wash out bladder, apply medication to bladder lining, restore patency of catheter by removing pus or blood clots?
Steps for removing an IV catheter are as follows.
What are withdraw the IV catheter, apply firm pressure to site with a gauze pad, hold patients arm above heart level to stop bleeding, teach client to report signs of bleeding, check catheter for intactness, cover venipuncture site with new dressing, discard supplies in appropriate containers, document?
Oxygen is prescribed by the primary care provider, the following are nursing considerations regarding delivery of the O2.
What are the order will specify concentration, method of delivery and liter flow per minute. The order may also call for the nurse to titrate the O2 to achieve the desired saturation level measured by pulse oximetry. When an emergency measure, O2 may be initiated by the nurse followed by contacting the physician for an order?
The purposes of providing tracheostomy care and tracheostomy tie changes incluse the following.
What are maintain a clean tracheostomy site, prevent infection, promote comfort, allow for skin assessment, and prevent skin breakdown?
The purposes of nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal suctioning are the following.
What are remove secretions that obstruct the airway, facilitate ventilation, obtain secretions for diagnostic purposes and prevent infection?
The purposes of urinary catheterization include the following.
What is relieve bladder distention or decompress bladder, assess amount of residule urine, obtain a urine speciman, accurate I&O, provide for bladder irrigation, prevent urine from contacting incision after perineal surgery and to manage incontinence when other methods have failed?
Regarding IV's, at 24 hours you need to change these, at 48 hours you need to change this and at 72 hours you change this.
What is IV bags and intermittent infusion sets at 24 hours, gauze dressings every 48 hours and primary administration sets every 72 hours?
Safety precautions to be observed when O2 is in use include the following.
What are no smoking with O2 in use, place precautionary signs, "Oxygen in Use", make sure electrical devices are in good working order to prevent sparks, avoid blankets that generate static electricity, avoid the use of flammable or volatile liquids, make sure monitoring equipment, suction machines are grounded, know locations of fire extinguishers?
When caring for a patient with a tracheostomy, the following are essential.
What are keep a spare trach/obturator at bedside, keep aerosols, powders and liquids away from trach, keep stoma dry, offer good oral/nasal hygiene and utilize humidified Air or O2 if ordered?
A volume control infusion set such as Vulutrol or Buretrol is used for this.
What is to carefully control the volume of fluid administered? The set holds a maximum 100 mls and is closelu monitered?
purposes for using an external urinary drainage devices like the condom cath are as follows.
What are collect urine and control urinary incontinence, permit the client physical activity and movement and risk for urinary tract infection is low?
Infiltration in defined as unintended administration of a nonvesicant drug or fluid into sub q tissue. It can be caused during venipuncture, dislodgement of the catheter and poorly secured infusion device. Name the signs and symptoms of infiltration.
What are coolness of skin aroung site, skin blanching, edema at, above or below insertion site, leakage at insertion site, absence of or 'pinkish' blood return and difference in size of opposite hand or arm.
The client is receiving O2 by non rebreather mask and in order to prevent carbon dioxide buildup the nonrebreather bag must not totally deflate during inspiration. If it does, these are the nurses interventions.
What is increase the flow of oxygen?
The settings for a wall mounted suction unit are as follows.
What are Adult: 80-120 mm Hg Adolescent: 80-120 mmHg Child: 80-100 mm Hg Neonate: 60-80 mm Hg?
Guidelines for Nasopharyngeal and Oropharyhgeal suctioning are as follows.
What are assess respiratory status, prepare equipment, put on clean gloves for oro, sterile for naso, attach catheter to suction, set suction and test pressure, lubricate catheter, insert catheter with no suction applied, apply suction and remove catheter rotating, suction attempt can last 10-15 seconds, encourage client to cough and deep breath between attempts, limit suctioning to 5 minutes total, discard equipment, assess respiratory status?
To prevent catheter associated urinary infections, the nurse should follow these practice guidelines.
What are catheterize patients only when necessary, remove catheter asap, use good handwashing technique, provide routine perineal care, prevent catheter contamination with feces, ensure there are no obstructions in the drainage system, ensure gravity drainage maintained (bag below patient's bladder), ensure drainage system closed, observe flow of urine every 2-3 hours?
Signs and symptoms of phlebitis include redness at site, warm skin, swelling, palpable cord along vein and increase in temperature. The steps to take if phlebitis is suspected are these.
What are discontinue the infusion, apply a warm or cold compress to the site and do not use the injured vein for future infusions?
You suspect your client has hypoxia/hypoxemia. These are the signs and symptoms to look for.
What are rapid pulse, rapid shallow respirations and dyspnea, increased restlessness and light headedness, nasal flaring, substernal or intercoastal retractions, cyanosis?
A nasopharyngeal airway can be used for this type of patient and an oropharyngeal airway can be used on these type of patients.
What is alert and awake for nasopharyngeal and decreased level of consciousness, no gag reflex or cough, an overdose or general anesthesia for oropharyngeal?
The rationale for humidifying O2 for a patient in any delivery system is the following.
What is to moisten mucous membranes keeping them from drying and becoming irritated and to loosen secretions for easier expectoration or suctioning?