I am a sacred, binding agreement between God and his people.
What is a covenant?
I am the place where Moses' covenant was created
What is Mount Sinai?
I am the place that God put man because He loved him.
What is garden?
a group of these pink birds is called a flamboyance
what are flamingoes
I am a 35 year old NS HT
Who is Tr. Khoa?
I am the reason for God flooding the Earth.
What is wickedness and evil corrupted humanity?
We are God's chosen people
who are the israelites?
what is salvation?
this sea creature has three hearts
what is an octopus?
I am a HT who does photography full time
Who is Tr. Eddie?
I am a righteous man who was obedient to God unlike the corrupt society around me
Who is Noah?
The law includes these three regulations
What is Moral, Ceremonial and Civil?
God intended for me to be the master of all His creations
I am a singer who has won the most Grammy awards
Who is beyonce?
I am a NS HT who went the Catholic convention in Utah this year
who is Tr. Teresa
I am the sign of the covenant and serve as a reminder of God's mercy and faithfulness
What is a rainbow
I am the tablet which these Laws are placed
what is the ark of the covenant
I tempted Eve and she took the fruit.
What is the serpent?
This kpop group was the first to top the Billboard Hot 100 Chart.
Who is BTS?
I am a HT who has a sibling in NS
Who is Tr. John
I am the chapter and verse when the rainbow is given as a sign
What is Genesis 9:12-17
I am the sign of the covenant
what is the sabbath?
I was to Adam and Eve when God put the tree in the first place?
What is a choice?
I am an Asian country that hosted the 2008 Summer Olympics
Who is China?
I am a NS HT who has lived in the Netherlands
Who is Tr. Justin?