In celebrating the sacrament of the Eucharist, we partake in what as if we're sitting along the table with Him? 

A. Transubstantiation 

B. Feast of the Eucharist 

C. Paschal Mystery

D. all of the above

C. Paschal Mystery


The establishment of the Eucharist can be seen in what event prior to the Last Supper? 

A. Wedding at Cana

B. baptism of Jesus 

C. the calling of the fishermen

D. all of the above

A. Wedding at Cana


What are TNTT's Spiritual Teaching Methods? 

A. methods that raise up our spirits to get us excited about Christ 

B. methods that teach us more about the traditions of the Catholic Church 

C. methods that help us form a closer relationship with God/Eucharist  

D. methods that help us become one with the world around us

C. methods that help us form a closer relationship with God/Eucharist  


Which of the following is NOT an example of TNTT's Natural Teaching Methods? 

A. Skits 

B. knot tying 

C. camping

D. eucharistic day

C. camping


Who/what did Abel kill? 

A. Adam 

B. Eve

C. Cain

D. a sheep

D. a sheep


The symbol of the fire represent?

A. phenomenon 

B. sacredness

C. tool 

D. all of the above

D. all of the above


Jesus was moved by the crowds that followed Him after grieving for what? 

A. death of Lazarus

B. the persecution of Peter 

C. the illness of the demonic child 

D. none of the above

A. death of Lazarus


What is TNTT'S most famous Spiritual Method of teaching? 

A. living the Eucharistic day

B. Weekly Gospel 

C. National Day of Apostolic Work 

D. Month of the Rosary 

A. living the Eucharistic day


How does Moses prefigure Jesus in the Last Supper? 

A. Moses transformed the water from the Nile into blood, just like Jesus 

B. Moses led his people manna from heaven like Jesus fed His body to us

C. Moses lead his people from slavery like Jesus lead us away from sins 

D. Moses was surrounded by his people who followed him like Jesus

B. Moses led his people manna from heaven like Jesus fed His body to us


What did Melchizedek do with his offering to Abram upon Abram's return? 

A. blessed it

B. broke bread and pour wine

C. gave it to his disciples

D. ate it

A. blessed it


Which song is first sung during the Eucharistic Fire Ring?

a. Gọi Lửa

b. Chào Lửa

c. Mang Lửa Về Tim

d. All of the above

a. Gọi Lửa


Contributions regardless of how small or helpless it might seem, through the hands of the Lord, it will become a miracle: 

A. Healing of the Sick 

B. Feeding of the Thousands

C. The Giving Talents

D. all of the above

B. Feeding of the Thousands


Why are Spiritual Methods of TNTT derived from the Blessed Sacraments? 

A. They help us form a close union with God

B. They connect all of our activities to the Bible 

C. They allow us to play while praying, which reinforces learning 

D. They are not derived from the Blessed Sacraments 

A. They help us form a close union with God


What was God's covenant with Moses and the Israelites? God promised . . . 

A. manna and quail to feed the hungry Israelites 

B. that Moses will lead the Israelites  back to Israel 

C. if the Israelites obeyed His commandments, then they would be His kingdom

D. Jesus will come and save the Israelites 

C. if the Israelites obeyed His commandments, then they would be His kingdom


Which of the following conditions was part of God's Covenant w Noah? 

A. God told Noah and his sons to be fruitful and multiply

B. Noah's descendants must be faithful or God will send down another flood 

C. Noah must offer an animal sacrifice to God 

D. Noah's descendants must return to Noah's ark 

A. God told Noah and his sons to be fruitful and multiply


What was the catalyst for growth in established Prayer Apostolate? 

A. Eucharistic Crusade

B. Quam Singulari 

C. Message of the Heart

D. all of the above

C. Message of the Heart


Which of the following is NOT a major stage in the development of TNTT?

A. Origins 

B. Eucharistic Crusade 

C. VEYS in the USA 

D. all of the above 

E. none of the above

E. none of the above


From where are the Natural Teaching methods derived? 

A. sacred traditions 

B. sacred scripture 

C. sacred songs

D. sacred memory

C. sacred songs


What similarities does Melchizedek have with Christ? 

A. Melchizedek offered Abram a bloody sacirfice like Jesus' self-sacrifice 

B. Melchizedek was a righteous high priest like Jesus is righteous and high 

C. Melchizedek offered Abram bread and wine like Jesus offered the Eucharist

D. Melchizedek has disciples whom he charged with spreading the Good News 

C. Melchizedek offered Abram bread and wine like Jesus offered the Eucharist


What did Adam and Eve have to do to maintain their Covenant with God? 

A. They had to show their faith and love for God

B. They had to eat from the fruit  tree in the Garden 

C. They had to fight the serpent who tricked them 

D. They had to love the Eucharistic Day 

A. They had to show their faith and love for God


A flag is considered what? 

A. symbol of strength and consolidation of power, structure, and organization

B. a nation's survival through tribulations

C. the dignity of the heart of a country

D. all of the above

B. a nation's survival through tribulations


What is the spiritual significance to participating in the Eucharistic Fire Ring?

A. offer up the hardships of the day

B. praying for the blessing of understanding His wisdom thru the flame

C. receiving His love through the Holy Spirit through praise, worship, and enactment of the Scripture

D. all of the above

A. offer up the hardships of the day


What are TNTT's Natural Teaching Methods? 

A. methods that come naturally to youth leaders 

B. methods that centered on nature and our connection to it 

C. methods that utilize the Blessed Sacrament to teach us lessons 

D. methods that develop human characteristics and skills

D. methods that develop human characteristics and skills


How is the covenant with Noah a continuation of the covenant with Adam? 

A. Noah, like Adam disobeyed God and thus is the new Adam 

B. Noah was a descendant of Adam, and God extended his covenant to Adam's kin 

C. God gave Noah the same covenant He gave Adam 

D. The Great Flood establish a new beginning, and God made a covenant w Adam

D. The Great Flood establish a new beginning, and God made a covenant w Adam


Why is an offering from the story of Cain and Abel a pre-figuration of Christ? 

A. Cain and Abel are the sons of Eve like Jesus was the son of Mary 

B. Abel's murder of Cain represents Jesus' death at the hands of the Jews 

C. Cain's murder of Abel represents Jesus' death at the hands of the Jews 

D. Abel's sacrifice the lamb like Jesus' own sacrifice as the Lamb of God

D. Abel's sacrifice the lamb like Jesus' own sacrifice as the Lamb of God
