Car Line
Rules & Procedures
The Show Must Go On!
Little Becky with the good hair, did not get Mary Poppins in the show Mary Poppins. She is devastated and laments that she is not featured! #HandleIt.
What is, "Everyone is in the show,"?
The official NSB Car Line dismissal begins at this time
What is 3:50? Be LEAVING CLASSROOM at 3:45
These are all 8 rotations, that are covered by each group, in 1 day of camp.
What is Theater, Music, Dance, Activities, Art, Creative Performance, Rest & Relaxation, & Lunch
Camper Jinx Monsoon came to camp wearing flip-flops.
What is come to office to call mom + dad to get Jinx some closed-toed shoes?
This is your uniform for all Show Days!
What is your NSB T-Shirt (or an all black shirt), black pants, and black shoes?
CIT LaTrice Royale is not pulling her weight in camp & the group is suffering! #HandleIt.
1. 1 on 1 2. Group Conference 3. Counselor Supervisor
This is where the Yellow group stands during dismissal.
What is the SR side under the awning?
This is the door you use to enter your dance class in ROOM D.
What is the upstairs door closest to the NSB Office?
Red Grouper Acid Betty has always had a potty-mouth, but now she is cursing at faculty members and even campers. After several attempts to pull her aside and scold her foul language, she continues to curse at people.
What is fill-out the necessary incident-reports and documentation. Call their parents when the proper amount of documentation, backs up your claims, & warrants their attention
Little Jiggly Caliente is her group's NSB X-Factor Finalist, it is the day of the final competition and up until now Jiggly has been ecstatic about performing, but now is beyond nervous and does not want to perform.
What is build Jiggly's confidence up 1-on-1. Have a staff member run her performance with her several times. Rally the group behind her. Designate a CIT to be her support system (go backstage with her, wait in the wings, and if need be go onstage with her and sing)
Camper Pandora Boxx does not have snack money or a lunch! #HandleIt
Have a CIT or Counselor immediately call the parents to make them aware of the situation. Pandora will get lunch, with an I.O.U
This is where sisters Red Grouper Alaska ThunderTRUCK & Blue Grouper Roxy Andrews stand to go home together for dismissal
What is with Blue group, SL of the pole under the awning?
This is the row that your group and counselors sit in for Theater.
What is the 3rd row and beyond?
This is what CIT Ben De LaCreme needs to do before missing next Tuesday of Camp for her far away doctor's appointment.
What is fill out a time-off request and get it signed by an administrative staff member with ample time before said missing day, along with personally speaking to or emailing an administrative staff member, inform her respective color group or department of the absence.
This is what to do when counselor Alyssa Edwards suddenly realizes she is the only staff member left in the room.
What is play games with the group and keep them occupied, dozens of game suggestions are in their group binder, use the walkie-talkie or CIT/Intern in the room to track down another staff member to come into your room.
It is the 3rd day in a row that camper Adore Delano has had a stomach ache in dance. She is too "ill" to participate, yet feels fine in the next class. #HandleIt.
1. IF they are young, coax them into joining with a CIT or Counselor. 2. OR PUT THEM TO WORK!
Sharon Needles' mother is here to pick her up, but Sharon is not in the car line.
DO NOT SAY WILL FIND HER OR "I DONT KNOW". 1st step tell the parent to pull up and that we will get her for you. Call aftercare.
This is the line setup for every group when traveling from class to class
What is a counselor in the front, a counselor in the back, and a counselor or cit in the middle. The remainder of cits spread out through the line, or hanging with the stragglers.
Little Tyra Sanchez is always THIRSTY, she requires a water break EVERY ROTATION, she is a distraction the group and is overall an ANNOYANCE! 1. Where do you take her to get water 2. How do you solve this bothersome problem
What is tell her to purchase a fashionable NSB Brand Water Bottle for a mere $5 (tell her to bring a water bottle) Take her to the water fountains inside of the theater by the 1st floor bathrooms, NOT THE BREAK ROOM!
During the first rotation in the middle of show week Bianca Del Rio informs a CIT/Counselor that she is not backstage to get mic'd before the runthru of the show.
What is NEVER LISTEN TO CHILDREN! Campers who require a microphone are written down on a mic list and will only be ushered backstage when called for over the walkie-talkie from the theater department.
Camper Mimi Imfurst fainted in Activities. #HandleIt.
1. Have a COUNSELOR OR TEACHER IMMEDIATELY handle the sick child 2. Have another person distract the other children away from the sick child, CONTROL THE CHAOS! 3. Usher the child or group out of the room 4. Get in touch with the appropriate next level of communication, the office -> parents -> 911 5. Fill out the appropriate documentation of event
This is the number of cars that can be released during 1 round of rainy day dismissal.
What is 5?
This is the most important class for Counselors & CIT's to be full participants in.
You are in Music when camper Gia Gunn's mother pops into the room to pick her daughter up.
What is direct Mrs. Gunn to the security desk where she must show identification and sign-out her child, ONLY THEN can Gia Gunn be officially released from our care.
DAILY DOUBLE! These are the roles counselors, teachers, cits, and interns play during after-show dismissal. BE SPECIFIC!
A counselor talking to parents outside of the groups show room, calling up for campers to be dismissed. A counselor at the door of the room, receiving names of campers to be dismissed, and calling out for them. 1 to 2 counselor(s)/cit(s) finding camper withing room delivering them to parents The remainder of cits, interns, & teachers cleaning room, and making sure children awaiting dismissal are packed & ready to go. ** BONUS 200pts The mother of Mrs. Pott's played by LaGanja Estranja has come to her daughter's color group show room to pick her up.