In 2017, this new rapper launched her career after dropping a song sampling the same beat as 'No Flockin'
Who is Cardi B?
Who is the NSBE advisor?
Who is Kris Campa?
T or F: WashU originally planned to have WashU students come back after Spring break even amongst COVID outbreaks.
Everyone did this tik tok dance challenge in May.
What is the Savage dance?
the "I am once again asking you ___" meme star this politician.
Who is Bernie Sanders?
Which avenger other than Captain America could pick up Thor's Mjolnir in the Marvel movies?
Who is Vision?
What language does cse 131 teach its students?
What is Java?
This rapper dropped out of WILD spring 2019.
Who is T-Pain
What nintendo switch game became really popular over quarantine?
What is Animal Crossing?
This 2000s reality tv star (who's nickname is based off a city) shaped a lot of todays memes.
Who is 'New York' aka Tiffany Pollard?
Which actress won an emmy, becoming the youngest emmy winner?
Who is Zendaya?
What is the conversion for nano-meters to milli-meters?
What is 10^-6
Engineering Student Services are located in this building.
Where is Lopata Hall?
This show became a hit series as its release not only coincided with the beginning of quarantine, but also sparked discussion on a mysterious death.
What is Tiger King?
What television featuring 4 friends recently came onto netflix?
What is Girlfriends?
One twitter user said that this organization (which later debunked the claim) confirmed the 'Broom Challenge' could only happen on one day.
What is NASA?
This location was once a great sandwich spot on campus.
What is Homes Hall?
Videos of people cutting seemingly real items open made viewers surprised to see this inside.
What is cake?
In a classic Black halloween movie featured these twins.
What two elements make up the NSBE symbol?
What is a torch and lightning bolts?
What was the event/festival called for our now departed Chancellor?
What is Wrightonpalooza?
Which company fumbled the biggest bag in utilizing online meetings?
What is Skype?
This two word question has started having people scared to check their mentions.
What is "This you?"