This machete-wielding villain, known for his iconic hockey mask, terrorized campers at Crystal Lake in a popular slasher film series
NSBE is made up of this many regions
What is 6 Regions
This individual came up with 300 different functions of peanuts (thank him for basically making Reese's)
Who is George Washington Carver
Before it was torn down, this "fire" function brought good vibes to the Tallahassee community
What is GVO
What's 9 + 10?
During this movie, the main antagonist was seen stirring a tea cup to hypnotize the main character
What is Get Out
The 51st first annual convention will be hosted here
What is Chicago, IL
NASA physicist Lonnie Johnson created this popular toy for summertime fun
This local park hosts a multitude of events throughout the year. With its state of the art amphitheater, college students love to walk here
What is Cascades
This former university president has this iconic phrase "That's on ______"
What is Dr. Larry Robinson
Say his name five times and this horror figure will leave you "hooked"
What is Candyman
NSBE was founded at this mid-Western college
What is Purdue University
David Crosthwait Jr. made numerous contributions in this area, which aid our humid days and cool evenings
What is HVAC (heating, air conditioning, etc.)
This restaurant also serves as a boxing ring, cooking up delicious meals and knuckle sandwiches
What is the Waffle House (Tennessee St.)
What day of the week and time is it when it's 95 degrees?
What is 7pm Friday?
In this black sci-fi film, characters were seen laughing after consuming this food
What is 1986
This computer engineer co-invented the color PC monitor and helped develop the first gigahertz chip, playing a major role in computer hardware innovations at IBM.
Who is Mark Dean
Scenario: You and your friends are going to Potbelly's for a 10pm club event. What time must you be in line to get into the event?
What is 8pm?
In one hand you have a pound of bricks, in the other you have a pound of feathers. This hand is heavier than the other.
What is "this is a trick question, they're the same weight"
The reason this main antagonist attempted to kill his friends was due to his inability to play this game
This symbol represents the impact that
will be felt upon society and industry as a result of the contributions and achievements
made by the National Society of Black Engineers.
What are the lightning bolts
This cool condiment can be used for pizza, chicken, and spaghetti was created by this black inventor
Who is Steve Henson?
This year was the first FAMU vs FSU football game in history
What is 1958?
This Black woman became the first major-party Black candidate for President of the United States in 1972
Shirley Chisholm