NSBE was founded to...
To help improve the recruitment and retention of black engineering students.
How many regions are in NSBE?
Who is Big Draco?
The famous rapper 21 Savage immigrated from this country in 2005
What is the United Kingdom?
Who is this person?
Who is Barbecue Becky?
What year did BSE become NSBE
Where will NSBE's 46th Annual National Convention be held?
San Antonio, Texas
"Is this your King?"
Who is Killmonger?
What is the name of the book written by our forever first lady?
What is Becoming?
Popular Spongebob meme of 2018
Exhausted spongebob, claustrophobic, SpOnGeBob, cave man s, creepy Patrick, confused Krabs etc.
What University was NSBE Founded in?
What is Purdue University?
What are the NSBE colors and what movement do they come from?
Green, Black, Red, and Yellow. Pan Africanism
"Whew chile, the ghetto...the ghetto"
Who is Nene Leakes?
This famous rapper has a secret baby that he is hiding the world from
Who is Drake?
In what game did this meme take place?
Game 1-2018 NBA Finals vs. Golden State
Where was NSBE incorporated?
What does the NSBE lightning bolts represent?
What is The striking impact that will be felt upon society and industry as a result of the contributions and achievements made by the National Society of Black Engineers
"it's Friday, you ain't got no job and you ain't got s**t to do."
What is Friday?
This OG does not play about her time.
"Who is Maxine Waters"
What is he saying in this meme?
Oh My God Wow
Who are the NSBE Founders?
Anthony Harris, Brian Harris, Edward A. Coleman, Stanley L. Kirtley, George A. Smith, John W. Logan, Jr.
What is the NSBE mission?
"To increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community."
"They call me brother to the night and right now I'm the blues in your left thigh.. trying to become the funk in your right"
What is Love Jones?
This political candidate ran for governor in Georgia.
Who is Stacey Abrams?
In this famous Dexter meme, what is Dexter whispering?
What is "Omelette du fromage"?