What clinical manifestation would the nurse expect when a pneumothorax occurs in a neonate who is undergoing mechanical ventilation?

A. Barrel chest

B. Wheezing

C. Thermal instability

D. Nasal flaring and retractions 

D. Nasal flaring and retractions


The most appropriate nursing intervention for a child following a tonsillectomy is to

A. watch for continuous swallowing. 

B. encourage gargling to reduce discomfort.

C. position the child on the back for sleeping.

D. apply warm compresses to the throat.

A. watch for continuous swallowing.


A 4-year-old boy needs to use a metered-dose inhaler (MDI) of an inhaled cortocosteroid to treat his asthma. What should the nurse anticipate as being required to correctly adminster this type of medication?

A. A spacer 

B. An incentive spirometry

C. A peak expiratory flow meter

D. A trial of chest physiotherapy

A. A spacer


An immediate intervention to teach parents for when an infant chokes on a piece of food would be to

A. have infant lie quietly while a call is placed for emergency help.

B. position infant in a head-down, face-down position and administer five quick back slaps. 

C. administer mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

D. give some water by a cup to relieve the obstruction.

B. position infant in a head-down, face-down position and administer five quick back slaps.


The nurse is interviewing the parents of a 4-month-old infant brought to the hospital emergency department. The infant is dead on arrival, and no attempt at resuscitation is made. The parents state that the baby was found in the crib with a blanket over the head, lying face down in bloody fluid from the nose and mouth. The parents indicate no problems when the infant was placed in the crib asleep. Which of the following causes of death does the nurse suspect?

A. Suffocation

B. Child abuse

C. Infantile apnea

D. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) 

D. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)


A 4-year-old child is brought to the emergency department. The child has a “froglike” croaking sound on inspiration, is agitated, and is drooling. The child insists on sitting upright. The priority action by the nurse is to

A. examine the child’s oropharynx and report the assessment to the health care provider.

B. make the child lie down and rest quietly.

C. auscultate the child’s lungs and make preparations for placement in a mist tent.

D. notify the health care provider immediately and be prepared to assist with a tracheostomy or intubation.

D. notify the health care provider immediately and be prepared to assist with a tracheostomy or intubation.


One of the goals for children with asthma is to prevent respiratory tract infection because infections

A. lessen effectiveness of medications.

B. encourage exercise-induced asthma.

C. increase sensitivity to allergens.

D. can trigger an episode or aggravate asthmatic state. 

D. can trigger an episode or aggravate asthmatic state.


The school nurse is called to the cafeteria because a child “has eaten something he is allergic to.” The child is in severe respiratory distress. The first action by the nurse is to

A. determine what the child has eaten.

B. administer diphenhydramine (Benadryl) PO stat.

C. move the child to the nurse’s office or hallway.

D. have someone call for an ambulance and paramedic rescue squad or 9-1-1. 

D. have someone call for an ambulance and paramedic rescue squad or 9-1-1.


Apnea of infancy has been diagnosed in an infant scheduled for discharge with home monitoring. Part of the infant’s discharge teaching plan should include?

A. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) 

B. Administration of intravenous (IV) fluids

C. Foreign airway obstruction removal using the Heimlich maneuver

D. Advice that the infant not be left with caretakers other than the parents

A. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)


The mother of a 20-month-old tells the nurse that the child has a barking cough at night. The child’s temperature is 37° C (98.6° F). The mother states the child is not having difficulty breathing. The nurse suspects croup and should recommend

A. controlling the fever with acetaminophen (Tylenol) and call the primary care provider if the cough gets worse tonight.

B. trying a cool-mist vaporizer at night and watching for signs of difficulty breathing. 

C. trying over-the-counter cough medicine and coming to the clinic tomorrow if there is no improvement.

D. bringing the child to the hospital to be admitted and to be observed for impending epiglottitis.

B. trying a cool-mist vaporizer at night and watching for signs of difficulty breathing.


Cystic fibrosis may affect one system or multiple systems of the body. What is the primary factor responsible for possible multiple clinical manifestations?

A. Atrophic changes in the mucosal wall of the intestines

B. Hypoactivity of the autonomic nervous system

C. Hyperactivity of the apocrine glands

D. Mechanical obstruction caused by increased viscosity of exocrine gland secretions 

D. Mechanical obstruction caused by increased viscosity of exocrine gland secretions


A parent with a toddler who has a respiratory infection wants to use the traditional method of topical vapor rub. Which statement by the parent indicates that additional teaching is needed with regard to administration of this treatment?

A. The parent states that he will wash his hands before applying the medication.

B. The parent will read the product label before administering the medication.

C. The parent will inform the pediatrician that the medication is being used.

D. Application of the medication will be given orally to avoid potential sneezing. 

D. Application of the medication will be given orally to avoid potential sneezing.


A humidified atmosphere is recommended for a young child with an upper respiratory tract infection because it

A. liquefies secretions.

B. improves oxygenation.

C. promotes ventilation.

D. soothes inflamed mucous membrane. 

D. soothes inflamed mucous membrane.


An infant with a congenital heart defect is receiving palivizumab (Synagis). Based on the nurse’s knowledge of medication, the purpose of this medication is to

A. prevent respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection. 

B. make isolation of the infant with RSV unnecessary.

C. prevent secondary bacterial infection.

D. decrease toxicity of antiviral agents.

A. prevent respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection.


The parent of a child with cystic fibrosis calls the clinic nurse to report that the child has developed tachypnea, tachycardia, dyspnea, pallor, and cyanosis. The nurse should tell the parent to bring the child to the clinic because these symptoms are suggestive of

A. pneumothorax. 

B. bronchodilation.

C. carbon dioxide retention.

D. increased viscosity of sputum.

A. pneumothorax.


A child is standing playing with toys and suddenly collapses. Attempts to engage the child in conversation are met with no response. Skin color indicates cyanosis. A preliminary assessment of the environment presents no specific issues. Based on this information, you would suspect that the child is?

A. Experiencing seizure activity

B. Potential aspiration of foreign body 

C. Potential allergic reaction

D. Traumatic injury

B. Potential aspiration of foreign body


It is important that a child with acute streptococcal pharyngitis be treated with antibiotics to prevent

A. otitis media.

B. diabetes insipidus.

C. nephrotic syndrome.

D. acute rheumatic fever. 

D. acute rheumatic fever.


A child with asthma is having pulmonary function tests. What explains the purpose of the peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR)?

A. Confirms the diagnosis of asthma

B. Determines the cause of asthma

C. Identifies the “triggers” of asthma

D. Assesses the severity of asthma

D. Assesses the severity of asthma


Because the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins is decreased in cystic fibrosis, which vitamin supplementation is necessary?

A.   C, D

B.   A, E, K

C.   A, D, E, K 

D.   C, folic acid

C.   A, D, E, K


Treatment methods used for status asthmaticus focus on

A. supportive oxygen therapy to maintain saturation at 90%.

B. resolving acid-base disturbances that have led to alkalosis.

C. restoring hydration.

D. decreasing airway compliance.

C. restoring hydration.
