What clinical manifestations would the nurse expect to find in a newborn who has developed necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC)?

A. Hyperthermia

B. Gastric residual and melena 

C. The passage of ribbon-like stools

D. Projectile vomiting

B. Gastric residual and melena


What information should the nurse include in a teaching plan for an adolescent with Crohn disease?

A. Preventing the spread of illness to others and nutritional guidance

B. Adjusting to chronic illness and preventing the spread of illness to others

C. Coping with stress and adjusting to chronic illness 

D. Nutritional guidance and preventing constipation

C. Coping with stress and adjusting to chronic illness


Which finding if observed by the nurse in a neonate immediately after birth should the should alert the nurse to suspect a tracheoesophageal fistula?

A. Jaundice

B. Bile-stained vomitus

C. Absence of sucking

D. Excessive amount of frothy saliva in the mouth 

D. Excessive amount of frothy saliva in the mouth


When evaluating the extent of an infant’s dehydration, the nurse should recognize that the symptoms of severe dehydration (15%) are

A. tachycardia, decreased tears, 5% weight loss.

B. normal pulse and blood pressure, intense thirst.

C. irritability, moderate thirst, normal eyes and fontanels.

D. tachycardia, parched mucous membranes, sunken eyes and fontanels. 

D. tachycardia, parched mucous membranes, sunken eyes and fontanels.


A 4-year-old child has ingested a toxic dose of iron. The parent reports that the child vomited and complained of gastric pain an hour ago but “feels fine” now. The parent is not certain when the child ingested the iron tablets. The most appropriate recommendation by the nurse to the parent is to

A. observe the child closely for 2 more hours.

B. bring the child to the hospital immediately. 

C. administer activated charcoal.

D. administer ipecac to induce vomiting if the child does not vomit again within 1 hour.

B. bring the child to the hospital immediately.


Management of the child with a peptic ulcer often includes

A. milk at frequent intervals.

B. proton pump inhibitors.

C. antacids 1 and 3 hours before meals and at bedtime.

D. coping with stress and adjusting to chronic illness.

B. proton pump inhibitors.


The nurse is caring for a child with probable intussusception. The child had diarrhea before admission, but while waiting for administration of air pressure to reduce the intussusception, the child passed a normal brown stool. What is the most appropriate nursing action?

A. Notify the physician. 

B. Measure the abdominal girth.

C. Auscultate for bowel sounds.

D. Take vital signs, including blood pressure.

A. Notify the physician.


A school-age child with acute diarrhea and mild dehydration is being given oral rehydration solution (ORS). The child’s mother calls the clinic nurse because the child is also occasionally vomiting. What should the nurse recommend?

A. Bring the child to the hospital for intravenous fluids.

B. Alternate giving ORS and carbonated drinks.

C. Continue to give ORS frequently in small amounts. 

D. Institute a nothing by mouth (NPO) status for the child for 8 hours, and resume ORS if vomiting has subsided.

C. Continue to give ORS frequently in small amounts.


Which statement best describes Hirschsprung disease?

A. The colon has an aganglionic segment. 

B. There is a passage of excessive amounts of meconium in the neonate.

C. It results in excessive peristaltic movements within the gastrointestinal tract.

D. It results in frequent evacuation of solids, liquids, and gas.

A. The colon has an aganglionic segment.


The nurse is discussing home care with the mother of a 6-year-old child with hepatitis A. Part of the discharge teaching plan should include?

A. Bed rest is important until 1 week after the icteric phase.

B. The child should not return to school until 3 weeks after the icteric phase.

C. Reassure the mother that hepatitis A cannot be transmitted to other family members.

D. Teach infection control measures to family members. 

D. Teach infection control measures to family members.


Which diet is most appropriate for the child with celiac disease?

A. Salt-free diet

B. Phenylalanine-free diet

C. Low-gluten diet

D. High-calorie, low-protein, low-fat diet

C. Low-gluten diet


In performing a work up for a school aged child who reports frequent abdominal pain symptoms, what information would be critical to collect in order to make an accurate clinical diagnosis?

A. Find out the duration, onset and quality characteristics of the symptoms. 

B. Ask the child’s parents for detailed information.

C. Find out if the child has any food allergies or food intolerances.

D. Take and document vital signs to establish a clinical baseline.

A. Find out the duration, onset and quality characteristics of the symptoms.


Dietary management of a child with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) should include

A. low protein.

B. low calorie.

C. high fiber.

D. vitamin supplements. 

D. vitamin supplements.


What should the nurse consider when providing support to a family whose infant has just been diagnosed with biliary atresia?

A. Liver transplantation may be needed eventually. 

B. Death usually occurs by 6 months of age.

C. The prognosis for full recovery is excellent.

D. Children with surgical correction live normal lives.

A. Liver transplantation may be needed eventually.


Which factor predisposes an infant to fluid imbalances?

A. Decreased surface area

B. Lower metabolic rate

C. Immature kidney functioning 

D. Decreased daily exchange of extracellular fluid

C. Immature kidney functioning


A child has been diagnosed with hepatitis A and received treatment. Based on this information the nurse determines that

A. the illness was transmitted via blood route.

B. immunity has been acquired for this type. 

C. crossover immunity is present for all types of hepatitis.

D. the patient will now be a carrier for this type.

B. immunity has been acquired for this type.


You are educating nursing student regarding fluid requirements for pediatric patients who present with comorbidities. Increased need for fluid requirements would be consistent with treatment management for which conditions? (Select all that apply.)

A. Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)

B. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) 

C. Syndrome of inappropriate diuretic hormone (SIADH)

D. Diabetes Insipidus(DI) 

E. Burns Correct

B. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)

D. Diabetes Insipidus(DI)


An infant with neurologic impairment and delay is receiving several medications. A proton pump inhibitor is one of the medications the infant is receiving. Which medication(s) is/are proton pump inhibitor(s)? (Select all that apply.)

A. Ranitidine (Zantac)

B. Omeprazole (Prilosec) 

C. Pantoprazole (Protonix)

D. Glycopyrrolate (Robinul)

E.  Bethanechol (Urecholine)

B. Omeprazole (Prilosec)

C. Pantoprazole (Protonix)


A child is exhibiting signs of clinical dehydration. Which laboratory value would support a diagnosis of hypertonic dehydration?

 A. Serum sodium level of 135 mEq/dL

 B. Plasma osmolality of 275 mOsm/L

 C. Calculation of loss of body fluid weight at 25 mL/kg

 D. Serum sodium level of 150 mEq/dL 

D. Serum sodium level of 150 mEq/dL


When considering Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis (UC) as disease states, which clinical symptoms may appear to be common presentations in both?

A. Rashes and joint pain 

B. Rectal bleeding

C. Growth restriction

D. Fistulas and strictures

A. Rashes and joint pain
