What is a secondary effect when a child experiences decreased muscle strength, tone, and endurance from immobilization?

A. Increased metabolism

B. Increased venous return

C. Increased cardiac output

D. Decreased exercise tolerance 

D. Decreased exercise tolerance


The callus that develops at a fracture site is important because it provides

A. use of the injured part.

B. sufficient support for weight bearing.

C. means for adequate blood supply.

D. means for holding bone fragments together. 

D. means for holding bone fragments together.


Which statement is true concerning osteogenesis imperfecta (OI)?

A. OI is easily treated.

B. OI is an inherited disorder.

C. With a later onset, the disease usually runs a more difficult course.

D. Braces and exercises are of no therapeutic value.

B. OI is an inherited disorder.


Which critical element should be included in a plan of care for a pediatric patient who has to be immobilized as part of the course of therapeutic intervention?

A. Make sure that antiemetic therapy has been ordered.

B.  Including Braden scale measurement every 4 hours.

C.  Asking the patient to help organize individual care into a schedule. 

D. Restrict visitors to help maintain patient’s environment.

C.  Asking the patient to help organize individual care into a schedule.


Which measure is important in managing hypercalcemia in a child who is immobilized?

A. Promote adequate hydration 

B. Change position frequently

C. Encourage a diet high in calcium

D. Provide a diet high in protein and calories

A. Promote adequate hydration


A 3-year-old has just returned from surgery in a hip spica cast. The priority nursing intervention is to

A. elevate the head of the bed.

B. offer sips of water.

C. check circulation, sensation, and motion of toes. 

D. turn the child to the right side, then the left side every 4 hours.

C. check circulation, sensation, and motion of toes.


What is an appropriate nursing intervention when caring for the child with chronic osteomyelitis?

A. Provide active range-of-motion exercises of the affected extremity.

B. Administer pain medication with meals.

C. Encourage frequent ambulation.

D. Move and turn the child carefully and gently to minimize pain. 

D. Move and turn the child carefully and gently to minimize pain.


A nurse working in triage in the emergency room is assessing a pediatric patient, age 4, who presents with pain in the wrist. The patient refuses to move the involved extremity. Questioning of the patient and parent reveal no trauma event. Based on this observation the nurse suspects that the patient may have

A. compound fracture.

B. partial dislocation or subluxation. 

C. complication of immobilization.

D. overuse of extremity.

B. partial dislocation or subluxation.


The nurse is caring for an immobilized preschool child. What is helpful during this period of immobilization?

A. Encourage the child to wear pajamas.

B. Let the child have few behavioral limitations.

C. Keep the child away from other immobilized children if possible.

D. Take the child for a “walk” by wagon outside the room. 

D. Take the child for a “walk” by wagon outside the room.


An adolescent has had a lower leg amputation secondary to a motorcycle accident and is complaining of pain in the missing extremity. The nurse should recognize that this is

A. indicative of narcotic addiction.

B. indicative of the need for psychological counseling.

C. abnormal and suggests nerve damage.

D. normal and called phantom limb sensation. 

D. normal and called phantom limb sensation.


What are considered major goals of the therapeutic management of juvenile idiopathi arthritis (JIA)?

A. Prevent joint discomfort; regain proper alignment.

B. Prevent loss of joint function; achieve cure.

C. Prevent physical deformity; preserve joint function. 

D. Prevent skin breakdown; relieve symptoms.

C. Prevent physical deformity; preserve joint function.


Basic treatment of musculoskeletal soft tissue injuries involves the use of RICE modalities during the first 12 to 24 hours. Which option would be included in RICE?

A. Reusing chemical ice packs through the treatment period.

B. Applying ice for 1 hour intervals throughout the treatment period.

C. Pillows can used to achieve elevation of the extremity below the level of the heart.

D. The extremity should be maintained in proper alignment and activity should be limited. 

D. The extremity should be maintained in proper alignment and activity should be limited.


What is the rationale for elevating an extremity after a soft tissue injury such as a sprained ankle?

A. Elevation increases the pain threshold.

B. Elevation increases metabolism in the tissues.

C. Elevation produces deep tissue vasodilation.

D. Elevation reduces edema formation. 

D. Elevation reduces edema formation.


An infant is born with one lower limb deficiency. When is the optimum time for the child to be fitted with a prosthetic device?

A. As soon as possible after birth

B. When the infant is developmentally ready to stand up 

C. At about age 12 to 15 months, when most children are walking

D. At about 4 years, when the healthy limb is not growing so rapidly

B. When the infant is developmentally ready to stand up


Therapeutic management of the patient with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) includes

A. application of cold salts to suppress the inflammatory process.

B. a high-protein, low-salt diet.

C. a rigorous exercise regimen to build up muscle strength and endurance.

D. administration of corticosteroids to control inflammation. 

D. administration of corticosteroids to control inflammation.


What is characteristic of fractures in children?

A. Fractures rarely occur at the growth plate site because it absorbs shock well.

B. Rapidity of healing is inversely related to the child’s age. 

C. Pliable bones of growing children are less porous than those of adults.

D. The periosteum of a child’s bone is thinner, is weaker, and has less osteogenic potential compared with that of the adult.

B. Rapidity of healing is inversely related to the child’s age.


A pediatric patient at risk for developing complications of immobility during the postoperative period should have which measures incorporated into the plan of care? (Select all that apply.)

A. Place in supine position with extremities in alignment. 

B. Plan for play activities as tolerated. 

C. Include range of motion, both active and passive as tolerated. 

D. Limit nutritional intake until previous mobility pattern is restored.

E. Maintain hydration during postoperative period. 

A. Place in supine position with extremities in alignment.

B. Plan for play activities as tolerated. 

C. Include range of motion, both active and passive as tolerated.

E. Maintain hydration during postoperative period.


A nurse is caring for an infant with developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). Based on the nurse’s knowledge of DDH, which clinical manifestation should the nurse expect to observe? (Select all that apply.)

A. Lordosis

B. Negative Babinski sign 

C. Asymmetric thigh and gluteal folds 

D. Positive Ortolani and Barlow tests 

E. Shortening of limb on affected side 

B. Negative Babinski sign

C. Asymmetric thigh and gluteal folds

D. Positive Ortolani and Barlow tests

E. Shortening of limb on affected side
