High School Diploma
Career Technical Education (CTE)
2 Years College
4 Years College
Mystery Question

How many credits do you need to graduate HS?

What is 22 credits.


This location is part of the Onslow County School System and offers courses in Automotive Service, Collision Repair, HVAC, Culinary Arts, Game Art and Digital Design, Welding, Robotics, and Health Sciences.

What is the Eastern NC Skill Center


You can get certified or get a 2 year diploma and includes working with metals or thermoplastics, by using high heat to melt the parts together. The median salary in NC is $42,000 +

What is a Welder?


What are the different types of Financial Aid I can receive as a student?

What is a Scholarships, Grants, and Student Loans


I can use this website to apply for college, submit transcripts, and apply for scholarships

What is CFNC, College Foundation of North Carolina. 

What is College Board.

What is Ready Set Onslow.


How many elective credits are required to graduate HS?

What is 6 electives.



If you enjoy working in the food industry or in a hotel, you may find a career in this cluster.

What is the Hospitality & Tourism cluster?


What is the 2 year degree called when earned at a Community College?

What is an Associates Degree 


What is the diploma called I earn after completing a 4 year college

What is a Bachelors Degree


CTE Classes, Career Clusters and Pathways help students understand the connections between?

What is what they learn in high school and their future careers


An Honors class has how many quality points and an AP class has how many quality points?

What is .05 and what is 1.0?


If I am interested in going into this career cluster, some classes I may take are Biology, Anatomy, Health Sciences, and Chemisty

Health Sciences


Prepares patients to take radiologic tests and procedures

What is an x-ray technician?


Examines and provides a treatment plan to promote the ability to move, reduce pain, restore function, and prevent disability

What is a physical therapist?


How many credits do I need to be promoted to the next grade level in HS, for example I am considered a Sophomre is I have this many credits___, a Junior is I have this many credits___ and a Senior if I have this many credits___

What is a 

SOPHOMORE: 6 credits

JUNIOR: 12 credits

SENIOR: In rare instances students must have a minimum of 14 credits.


What is a GPA and what are they for each letter grade?

Grade Point Average

A = 4.0

B = 3.0

C = 2.0

D = 1.0

F =  0


If I take Core & Sustainable Construction, Carpentry I & II, learn about HVAC and Electrician.  I now have taken classes to prepare to become a 

What is a Residential Construction Contractor?


If I am interested in going into this career cluster, some classes I might take in high school are Accounting, Business Law, and Entrepreneurship

What is Business Management & Administration


The job of a school principal falls into this Career Cluster.

What is Education & Training


If I complete 2 or more classes in the same pathway, for example Health Science I & II or Capentry I & II, Sales I & II, I have completed my _____________________

What is a Pathway/Concentrator

a student who has earned two or more technical credits in a Career Cluster Pathway, at least one of which is a completer course. The student may also take additional supplemental courses within their Career Pathway to extend their knowledge.


When you recieve your schedule for the year, what is one thing you want to ensure is correct in terms of what type of class (Core & Elective) you are enrolled in? 

What is ensure you have (2) Core classes, Math, Science, History, English) and (2) Electives.


How Many Career Cluster are there?



What are websites I can go to for Career Related Information? 

What is Ready Set Onslow, NC Careers, O*NET, My Next Move, CFNC


This person is crucial in guiding students through the logistics of credits, applications, tests, schedules, and other assistance programs.

What is an Academic Advisor


Who are the 9th & 10th grade counselors?


Who are the 11th & 12th grade counselors? 

and who is the Career Counselor?

9 & 10 - Mrs. Ballard (A-J)  and 

Mrs. Frazee (K - Z)

11 & 12 - Mr. Berry (K -Z) and Ms. Barbeee (A-J)

Mr. Rodriguez
