What do you have to take if you have to use the restroom
Red hall pass
Where the office is located
7th grade health teacher
Ms. Horne
Our mascot
The only allowed drink in the Health Room
Hall where History in the Cinemas class is located
7th grade hall
Art teacher
Ms. Abernathy
Comet Cash
What you must complete everyday at the beginning of class
Hall the cafeteria is located on
Teacher who has a gecko in their room
Mrs. Ruston
The name of our Assitant Principal
Mrs. Walker
This electronic device can be taken if seen by teachers of administration
Cell phone
ISS teacher
Mrs. Brown
Sport that 6th graders can't play
Points taken off everyday an assignment is late
5 points
8th grade hall
New 8th grade science teacher
Mr. Gibson
What was the name of the school before it became NSMS