NCCC Resources
Coping Skills
Social Media
Guest Presenter- Jon Strong

Who is required to purchase a meal plan?

Residential students


What are coping skills?

Coping skills are things that we do in-the-moment, when we are feeling lousy, to help us turn down the volume of our emotions and avoid getting overwhelmed. (Lear, 2020).


What is a paraprofessional?

A person to whom a particular aspect of a professional task is delegated but who is not licensed to practice as a fully qualified professional. (Oxford Dictionary)


Non-verbal listening cues often are...

- cultural

- a way to acknowledge to the speaker that we are engaged and listening to them 


What is the golden rule for everyone involved with new student orientation?

Treat others the way you want to be treated


Which offices have been combined into the enrollment center?

Financial Aid & Records and Registration


What is the importance of understanding body language and exaggeration? 

It is important to observe someones verbal and nonverbal cues to understand and point out a disconnect within others.

Who are para pros at NCCC?

  • Orientation Leaders (You Guys!)

  • RA’s

  • Tutors

  • Club Leaders (President, VP, Treasurer, Secretary, etc.)

  • GAs


How can we understand/navigate power dynamics?

- be aware of power dynamics- do not go power hungry

-treat others the way you want to be treated


How can we show that we are being present during OL training/ NSO orientation?

- engage in conversations, show active listening skills, do not use phones, don't talk over the speaker, etc.


How many items will students receive with their weekly Campus Pantry order?



What is the importance of using I-messages?

Communication strategy that focuses on the individual’s feelings, actions, or beliefs, and is less accusatory 


Why is practicing professionalism especially important as an OL.

  • Incoming students will recognize your role and form expectations.

  • Your behavior should be consistent with your role as a leader.


What are some examples of stigma?

- mental health: negative because there is something wrong with the person

- disabilities:that the person is not equal to you (person first language)

- race

- the integrity of institutions or other locations


How can we expect some parents to react during orientation?

- be pushy/assertive

- ask questions, not always the good ones



What are things public safety offer to help?

- protect us

-Houses the lost and found, 

-I.D. Cards, lockers, and parking.

- walk you to your car

- get keys out of your car

- emergency alert system


How many skills for coping did we discuss/learn?



How do we NOT go viral on social media?

  • Post with discretion.

  • Update your privacy settings.

  • Delete inactive accounts.

  • Screen “friends” and “Followers” lists.


What do we ultimately need to teach and learn?

- relate to your experiences and help students navigate the campus both physically and socially

- use your experiences to provide a positive blueprint that has already borne success in the environment you wish to overcome.

- provide daily requirement intakes for their time at NCCC.


What are some of the most important things to do as members of our team?

- be communicative

- be punctual and manage your time 

- show up prepared and in the dress code

-see sheet

Which office is independently owned and operated?

Student Housing


Why should leaders learn coping skills?

  • As leaders, we may be put into various overwhelming situations that require the ability to successfully cope on our own, or help others find ways to help themselves.

  • As leaders, it is important to be able to indicate certain responses our peers may have to situations, and think of ways that will best help them navigate their feelings. 

  • Learning coping skills is a versatile technique that will help you throughout your life. 


What is Zombie Content?

  • Online activity leaves an inerasable virtual footprint- it never dies

  • Once you put it out there, it’s out there forever.

  • Virtual mistakes will follow you through life...


Who are some people who John Strong has quoted during training? (bonus if you remember any of the quotes!)


Deci And Ryan


What should we give and receive as OLs?

- Constructive criticism 

- encouragement

- respect and understanding
