What was one memorable moment you had with a new student during NSO?
What’s one skill you learned during NSO?
Ex. How to make cold calls.
What was your favorite session and why?
Ex. Saturday night - The older son
What’s one way you've felt connected to God this quarter?
Ex. My daily quiet time
What surprised you most about the new students you met?
Ex. Their openness to trying new things.
What was one challenge you faced, and how did you overcome it?
Ex. Planning the First-Year Mixer; got help from Anna & Ysabella!
What’s one fun or unexpected thing that happened?
Ex. Kayaking
What’s one way you've served others this quarter?
Ex. Buying snacks for small group/discipleship
What event or activity did you think was most impactful and why?
Ex. The First-Year Mixer
How did NSO grow your faith?
Ex. God gave us energy to do Proxe even when we were exhausted.
How did Fall Con help you build community?
Ex. Nathan acquired minions
What’s one thing you’re grateful for?
Ex. Maintaining relationships with my non-IV friends
What’s one story about a new student that inspired you?
Ex. Kevin's Fall Con Testimony
How did God surprise you in the NSO season?
Ex. North Hill is big now!
How did you see God at work in someone else during Fall Con?
Ex. Nathan led with vulnerability!
What’s a Bible verse that’s resonated with you this quarter?
Ex. Isaiah 53:3
If you could describe this NSO in three words, what would they be and why?
Ex. Fun, Relentless, Fruitful
What’s a lasting lesson you’ll take from NSO into the rest of the quarter?
Ex. We don't need to be the most skilled/talented leaders, we just need to be will to follow God in faith and He will provide.
What’s one lesson you learned at Fall Con that will stay with you?
How has God shifted your perspective on something recently?
Ex. Obligation isn't a bad thing.