What is the school for business in Texas?
UT Austin- McCombs
What does "de facto" mean
"in fact"
How many service hours do you need for the year?
What is one of the best schools to get into law in Texas?
UT Austin, Baylor, TAMU
What is the medical root for head?
What is our instagram handle?
What is the best school for engineering in Texas?
UT Austin, TAMU, Rice, UT Arlington
What does -ectomy refer to?
surgical removal
What was our first career meeting about?
What is the best school for going into medicine in Texas?
Rice, UT Austin, Baylor, Trinity
What is the term for in good faith?
"bona fide"
What is a class one of advisors teach?
Mr. Flegel- Computer Science
Mrs. Baller- Marketing
What is the best school for computer science in Texas?
Rice, UT, UTD, University of Houston
What does "binary" mean in computer science?
a number system that uses only two symbols, typically 0 and 1
How long has NTHS been a club?