The stage for adolescents according to Erikson's psychosocial development theory.
What is identity vs. role confusion?
Results in difficulty seeing close up.
What is presbyopia?
The desire and ability to serve the larger community.
What is generativity?
Maintaining high social involvement achieves life satisfaction.
What is the activity theory?
Process of adapting to a loss.
What is mourning?
This style of parenting encourages decision making.
What is democratic style?
The stage for early adulthood according to Erikson's psychosocial development theory.
What is intimacy vs. isolation?
Result in the need for larger clothing.
What is weight redistribution?
A life review that reassures older people about their accomplishments and worth.
What is reminiscence?
The stage where an individual believes the health care provider made a mistake and death will not occur.
What is denial?
Characterized by a binge and purge cycle.
What is bulimia nervosa?
Common causes of stress in early adulthood.
What is work, marital problems, child-care concerns, and money worries?
Loss in hearing acuity.
What is presbycusis?
Weakened immune system destroys itself.
What is the autoimmune theory?
Irregular respirations with periods of apnea.
What are Cheyne-Stokes respirations?
#1 leading cause of death within adolescence
What are vehicle accidents?
Risk factors for heart disease.
What is lack of physical exercise, smoking, and elevated cholesterol/blood pressure?
Not recommended for women with a personal or family history of breast disease or cancer.
What is hormone replacement therapy?
The stage for late adulthood according to Erikson's psychosocial development theory.
What is ego integrity vs. despair?
Emphasizes quality of life rather than curative measures.
What is hospice care?
Scientific reasoning, problem solving, capable of looking at all possibilities, thinking abstractly beyond the present, and ability to imagine a sequence of events that might occur and the consequences of those events.
What is formal operational thought process?
Goals for early adulthood.
What is choosing and establishing careers, establishing home and family, expanding social circles, and developing maturity?
Prevent loss of bone mass, muscle contraction, and blood pressure.
What is adequate calcium intake?
Gradual loss of cognitive abilities.
What is dementia?
Requires facilities to give individuals certain information about their rights at the time of admission such as the right to have an advance directive in place.
What is the Patient Self-Determination Act?