What are the roles of a counsellor?
To supervise and lead activities, and to mentor junior volunteers
What is the program team?
The program team is an extra set of hands to help behind the scenes of activities at camp.
What kind of masks are required?
Medical grade disponible masks are required, you cannot wear cloth masks.
What do you do in case of injury?
Minor injuries, you must wear your mask and a fresh pair of gloves. As a counsellor, only you and leadership can do them such as bandaids, ice etc. Any major injuries, leadership only. Let leadership know.
Who are the newbies?
Ashleen and Emily
What are some expectations for a counsellor?
To encourage positive behaviours, to treat each other with respect, and to work as a team
What do you do on program team?
Help set up activities and sanitize/clean areas
What are the social distancing protocols for camp?
1 m apart from your own cohort when masked
2 m apart from your cohort when unmasked
2 m apart from anyone outside your cohort
What to do if the fire alarm is pulled?
Exit the building with your cohort in a calm manner to the parking lot.
This person has a brother who is a high school counsellor? Who is it?
How many counsellors are in a cohort?
What are some expectations of program team?
Have good time management skills and be open minded to things outside your comfort zone.
What are some rules for sign-in?
There is a sign-in station for each individual cohort, 1 leader is assigned to sign in and sign out and MUST STAY at sign in until either a) all children within cohort are signed in or, b) it is time for you to go with your group and one or two children are not here. Leadership will take it from there
What are some safety boundaries?
-Inside of the pylons, always take a camper to the washroom, do not leave children unattended, tell your fellow counsellor if you are going inside or for break, watch for children who wander
What are some jobs you can do in a cohort?
Group lead, craft leader, game leader, indoor activity leader
What are some important roles that the program team do for camp?
The program team will help assist counsellors and the leadership team to make camp run smoothly.
What are the screening protocols?
ALL staff are REQUIRED to complete a daily screening task the night BEFORE camp. It will be completed online, sent to your email with a temperature check. If screening is NOT done temperature check and screening will be done prior to you entering camp. IF YOU ARE SICK DO NOT COME TO CAMP AND LET LEADERSHIP KNOW
What are some camp policies?
Know the difference between telling/tattling, listen to your peers when conflict arises, cool down , distract the situation.
Serious conflicts are physical or verbal harassment
No 2nd chance behaviour is sexual harassment, threatening behaviour, use or threat of weapons, use of alcohol/drugs on site
Ashleen just graduated from what program at Mayfield?
What is the most important thing to do at camp as a counsellor?
Have fun!!!
What to do when you're 'bored'
There is always something that needs to be done or cleaned up. Kids are messy, if you find yourself 'bored', ask your peers if they require any extra assistance or ask the leadership team if they need any help!
What happens if a child is reporting sickness?
If a child comes up to you presenting ANY symptoms or signs of COVID-19, tell leadership IMMEDIATELY, the child will be taken to a health room and be picked up from camp. Along with any siblings of the camper.
What can you do when you have issues with staff?
1. Try and work out the issue prior to going to leadership using strategies that work for you
2. If the problem cannot be resolved on your own, don't be shy to come up to leadership so we can try and make a solution
3. If you have a problem with someone on leadership, talk to Jen or another member of the team.
Emily has a dog, true or false?