The area where you will be creating programs for your robot, either by drawing, block coding, or writing Javascript.
Programming Canvas
_________ plastic is a lightweight, high-performance plastic that possesses a unique balance of toughness, dimensional stability, optical clarity, high heat resistance and excellent electrical resistance.
A _________ is an input for a function in a computer program. The outcome of the function will vary based on the values input for the _________.
The determination of the relative position of the robot to its surroundings.
A programming construct that allows a certain portion of code to execute repeatedly.
Similar to a chapter in a textbook, each section, or _______, of this course will cover a few important concepts from the fields of robotics and computer programming. _______ should be completed in numerical order.
Course Module
A device which detects or measures stimuli from the internal and external environments of the robot.
When a computer runs a program, it is said to "?????" the code.
A _______ is an instrument used for navigation and orientation that shows direction relative to the geographic cardinal directions of north, east, south, west.
The simplest way to create a computer program to operate the robot. Unlike the drive function, the robot's movements are automated and don't require a human operator
Draw Function
The programs and applications that provide the useful functionality for the robot, computer, or other hardware device.
Using a computer program execute a task in an automatic, repeatable, and accurate way.
_________ is a way to create a computer program without having to know the syntax of a programming language. It is generally simplified and is used as a way for beginners to learn how to code.
Block Coding
The angle that the robot will roll in relation to its tail light.
A measure of the brightness of light.
Luminosity(Ambient Light)
The physical components that make up a technological device, such as a computer, robot, smartphone, and any accessories used along with these devices.
The 8x8 pixel group of lights found at the top of your robot that can change colors, display scrolling text, and play animations.
LED Matrix
________ is the process of restructuring existing computer code to make it simpler and improve its performance without changing the behavior of the program.
The ________an object will travel (or a robot will roll) can be calculated by multiplying the rate of speed by the time traveled.
Distance = Rate * Time
A type of electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength that is undetectable to the human eye. It is commonly used in communication devices such as remote controls and robots.
D-R-Y An acronym for "_______" which is a programming principle that reminds coders not to repeat the same code in different places.
Don't Repeat Yourself
The speed a robot moves in a given direction.
Similar to grammar, _______ is a collection of rules to provide structure to a computer programming language.
A device used to measure the robot’s orientation and allow it to spin on its axis.
The unit of measurement for luminosity.