When are we allowed to leave the classroom and what must we do when we leave the classroom?
After the first ten minutes of class and before the last ten minutes of class. We must sign out (name and time) when we leave class for any reason in the log book at the door.
What do we do during the first five minutes of class?
Take out our Team Box, Savvas Workbook, AVID Math Folder, Pencil and write the answer to the Essential Question in your AVID Notes.
How many students may be out of te room at the same time?
Only one student may leave the room at any point in time.
When and how do we put our computers away?
We put our computers on charge in the correct numbered slot in the computer cart ten minutes prior to the end of class.
When and how do we put our workbooks away?
We put our workbooks in our team box and place the team box in the labled spot in the cabinet 5 minutes before the end of class!