Is this number Rational or Irrational? 25
Rational - because it has no decimals
Convert .25 to a fraction and simplify.
What 2 whole numbers does the sq. root of 8 come in between?
2 and 3
Simplify 23x + 3x
2(3x + 2)
6x + 4
Is this number Rational or Irrational? PI
Irrational because it is Pi- famous Irrational number
Convert 0.5 to a fraction.
What two whole numbers does the sq. root of 11 come in between?
3 and 4
Simplify 3y + 5 - y
2y + 5
Is this number Rational or Irrational? 4/2
Rational because 4/2 = 2
It stops, so it is Rational
Change .2 to a fraction.
What two whole numbers does the sq root of 150 come in between?
12 and 13
Simplify 4y + 10y + 5x - 2 - 2
5x + 14y - 4
Is this number Rational or Irrational?
The square root of 5
Irrational because it continues in no pattern.
Change .21 to a fraction.
What does the sq. root of 211 come in between?
14 and 15
5x + 6xy - 4 + 8 - 2x + 20
3x+ 6xy + 24
2(3x -10) - 5
Is this number Rational or Irrational?
Rational because it goes on forever in a pattern. Repeats in a pattern.
Change .101 to a fraction.
23 and 24
5x + 6xy - 4 + 8 - 2x +10xy - 4
3x + 16xy
8 -(2x+4)