The counting numbers.
What are Natural Numbers?
Name all of the number systems where 3 belongs.
What are Natural, Whole, Rational, and Real Numbers and Integers?
The symbol for Natural Numbers.
What is N?
All rational and irrational numbers.
What are Real Numbers?
The natural numbers and zero.
What are Whole Numbers?
Name all of the number systems where 0 belongs.
What are Whole, Rational, and Real Numbers and Integers?
The symbol for Whole Numbers.
What is W?
The number system that ℝ represents.
What are Real Numbers?
Natural Numbers, their additive inverses, and zero.
What are Integers?
Name all of the number systems where - 0.275 belongs.
What are Rational and Real Numbers?
The two symbols for Integers.
What are I and Z?
All decimals that terminate or repeat.
What are Rational Numbers?
All numbers that can be expressed as a ratio between two integers.
What is a Rational Number?
Name all of the number systems where 4 & 1/2 belongs.
What are Rational and Real Numbers?
The symbol for Rational Numbers.
What is Q?
These numbers never repeat or terminate when in decimal form.
What are Irrational Numbers?
A number that cannot be written as a ratio or fraction.
What is an Irrational Number?
Name all of the number systems where pi belongs.
What are Irrational and Real Numbers?
The symbol for Irrational Numbers.
What is Q' (Q Prime)?
The name of the number system where imaginary numbers belong.
What are Complex Numbers?