Cause and Effect
Who are the main characters?
The Johansens, The Rosens, Peter, Uncle Henrik
Based on the actions of the Johansen family, we can infer that they are the type of people that....
They are the type of people that would risk their lives to help their friends in need. They will always try to do the right thing.
What happened right after the girls started racing each other home?
They got stopped by the German soldiers on the street.
Why did the soldiers invade the Johansen's apartment?
They were suspicious because the Rosens apartment was empty.
"See if you can buy just one, to match the others on her jacket. I'll give you some 'kroner'--it shouldn't cost very much." What word or words from this sentence help the reader understand the meaning of the word 'kroner'?
buy, cost
Who are the Resistance Fighters?
Danish people who were determined to bring harm to the Nazis however they could. They were brave and sometimes even caught and killed.
Read the following sentence from the story: "She looked down, and saw that she had imprinted the Star of David into her palm." From this sentence, what can the reader conclude about how Annemarie felt when the soldiers invaded their home?
Annemarie was feeling very frightened and tense to have squeezed her hand so tight that there was an imprint left.
What did Mrs. Rosen do after she found out what happened to the girls on their way home from school?
She left the Johansen's apartment and went to speak with Ellen.
Why did Ellen spend the night with Annemarie and her family?
She spent the night because the Johansen's were trying to hide her to keep her safe.
"It was all 'imaginary' anyway---not real." In the sentence above what does the word 'imaginary' mean?
not real
In chapter 1, Mrs. Rosen's reaction to the girls being stopped by the soldiers shows that Mrs. Rosen is _______.
Beginning to worry about her family's safety.
Read the following sentence: "Suddenly there was a noise outside. Uncle Henrik's shoulders stiffened." What can the reader conclude from this sentence about Uncle Henrik?
The reader can conclude that Uncle Henrik was worried or nervous because he knew the "fake" hearse had arrived.
What event happens that leads Mama to take the girls to Uncle Henrik's?
The German soldiers invade their home in the middle of the night.
Why did Mama and Annemarie get worried on the train going to Uncle Henrik's?
They were afraid Kirsti would tell the soldiers Ellen was going to celebrate her New Year.
"It was hours later, but still dark, when she was awakened 'abruptly' by the pounding on the apartment door." What does the word 'abruptly' mean in the sentence above?
Suddenly, without warning
Why does Annemarie become upset with Uncle Henrik and Mama?
She becomes upset because she knows they are lying to her when they tell her Great-aunt Birte died and they have never lied to her before.
Based on her parents' behavior, infer why Annemarie's parents decide to allow her to hear Peter's news.
They feel she is old enough and she needs to help watch out for friend. She needs to be aware of what is happening and that it is not always safe for everyone.
What news does Peter deliver after they find out that Mrs. Hirshe's button shop has been closed?
He tells the Johansens that the Germans have issued orders to close all shops owned by Jews.
Why did Mama take the girls to Uncle Henrik's?
The soldiers invaded the Johansen's home so they needed to take Ellen somewhere safe.
"It was very seldom that Mama disagreed with Papa. Annemarie watched his face and knew that he was struggling with the decision. Finally he nodded, 'reluctantly'. What does 'reluctantly' mean in the sentence above?
with hesitation, doubt or dread
When Uncle Henrik tells Annemarie a small part of the truth Annemarie felt...
Annemarie felt more grown up all of a sudden.
What can the reader infer about Ellen by the way her father carries her into Uncle Henrik's house?
We can infer that Ellen feels happy to be reunited with her family.
What happened that led Annemarie to confront Uncle Henrik about lying to her?
Mama and Uncle Henrik told her that her Great-aunt Birte died.
Why were Ellen's parents with Peter?
Peter was hiding them from the German soldiers.
"Annemarie leaned up against the ancient 'splintery' wood of the barn wall..." What word or words help the reader figure out the meaning of the word 'splintery' in the sentence above?
wood, 'splinter'