Math Strategies Practice
Number Properties for Whole Numbers, Number Lines, and Absolute Values
Fractions, Decimals, Percents, Ratios, and Proportions
Sequences and Series, Sets, and Counting Problems, Combinations, and Permutations
What is a variable?
a letter of symbol, usually x
Ali and Baba have a total of 3 cookies. If Baba has twice the number of cookies than Ali, how many cookies does each person have?
Ali has 1 and Baba has 2
What is a prime number? Give an example
A prime number is a number that has exactly two factors : 1 and itself. Examples are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23.
What is the difference between Fractions, Decimals, and Percents. Write an example of each.
Fractions- represents a part of a whole. 1/5 Decimals- A fractions with the denominator as a power of ten and a numerator that is expressed by digits placed to the right of a decimal point. 1/10 = .10 Percents- fractions that have 100 as the denominator. "Percent" literally means "out of 100.+ 1/5= 20/100 = 20%
Find the 25th term in the following sequence: 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23,... Hint: Use A1 + d (n-1) A1= 1st term d= difference between terms n= number in sequence you are looking for
What does a variable usually represent?
An unknown value
Ali, Baba, and Carrie have a total of 23 cookies. Baba has five times the number of cookies than Ali. Carrie has one more cookies than Baba. How many cookies does each person have?
Ali has 2 cookies. Baba has 10 cookies . Carrie has 11 cookies.
Which statement is incorrect? A. Even number * even number = even number B. Odd number * odd number = odd number C. Even number * odd number = either an even or odd number D. Zero * number = zero
C. Even number * odd number = even number
What is the decimal and percent value of 2/3?
Decimal = 0.6666666 Percent = 66 2/3
For a class ring, each senior can choose from 4 types od stones and 3 types of metals. How many combinations of a stone and a metal are there?
What are the four operations in math?
Addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (X), and division (/)
Kerry has a cordless telephone receiver that can operate within a range of 1,000 feet from the telephone's base. Kerry takes the receiver from the base and walks 800 feet due north. From that point she walks due east and stops at the maximum range of the receiver. In which of the following directions can Kerry walk and still be within range of the receiver? I. Due north II. Due south III. Due west A) II only B) III only C) I and II D) I and III E) II and III
E) II and III
What an absolute value?
Refers to a number's distance from 0.
How do you calculate the percent of a number?
Multiple the number by the decimal equivalent of the percent.
In a certain neighborhood, 15 families own dogs and 24 families own cats. If 5 families have neither a dog nor cat and there are 35 families in the neighborhood, how many families have both a dog and a cat?
9 families have both
Which operations reverse each other?
Addition/Subtraction & Multiplication/Division
If x+3=a, then 2x+6 = A) a+3 B) a+6 C) 2a D) 2a + 3 E) 2a +6
C) 2a
Solve the number line question on pg 105 of your student handbook.
C) x
A fruit basket contains only apples and bananas. If there are 20 pieces of fruit in the basket and the ratio of apples to bananas is 3 to 2, how many of each are in the basket?
12 apples and 8 bananas.
Exactly 4 actors try out for the 4 parts in a play. If each actor can perform any one part and no one will perform more than one part, how many different assignments of actors are possible?
Multiplication is the same as doing what other operaton repeatedly?
If (2x-2) (2-x)= 0, what are all possible values of x? A) 0 only B) 1 only C) 2 only D) 1 and 2 only E) 0, 1, and 2
D) 1 and 2 only
What is a factor? What are all the factors of 24?
Factors are positive integers that can be divided evenly into a given number (meaning there is no remainder). The Factors of 24 are 12, 8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Calculating percent changes- If the water in a lake was 12 feet deep at the start of the summer and 8 feet deep at the end of the summer, by what percent did the water level drop during the summer?
large-small/ original * 100. Answer = 33%
How many two-letter words can you make out of the letters A, B, C, D without any letters being repeated?