Moses marries this kind of woman, which begins the problems of Numbers 12
This prophetess dies in Numbers 20
The statement of Jewish faith in Deuteronomy 6 is called this.
God promises to give the Israelites the gift of this in Deut 11
This is the maximum punishment in Deut 25 for wrong doing
40 lashes
These two become upset/jealous of Moses.
Aaron and Miriam
This high priest dies in Numbers 20
This is the great commandment of Deuteronomy 6.
To love the Lord your God with your whole heart, your whole being, and your whole strength
Every 7th year
You may not do this to an ox according to Deut 25
Muzzle it
This person was struck with a sickness as punishment.
This object heals the Israelites who were bitten by asps.
Bronze serpent
God reminds the Israelites that they must remain obedient to these in the Promised Land.
His commandments
Hebrew slaves are to be released this often according to Deut 15.
Every 7th year.
This is the name given to the marriage of a widow to her husband's younger brother.
Levirate marriage
Miriam was excluded from the camp for this many days to become pure.
In Numbers 27, this man is selected as the successor of Moses.
God cautions the Israelites about doing this in Deut 8
Forgetting God because of prosperity
This is a rule on lending money that Deut 23 establishes
You may not charge interest
Deut 27 contains a list of these, to be spoken by the tribes of Israel when they reach the Promised Land
These appear on Miriam's skin.
Snow-white scales
This is the name of the special source of water for the Israelites in the desert.
Well of Miriam
The Hebrew word "shema" translates to this in English.
Put them in a basket.
This is the punishment for a man who refuses to marry his dead brother's wife.
His sandals will be taken and he will be spat on.