Hee Esoo
What is this?
Pongeta Too-pooe ga'yoo
Skunk has black eyes
Ya'a Soo Tukabu
Here is the bread
Oongabe E Gea
Give me the salt
Hano'yoo Tseda Ya'a
Hemma U Tukawunu
What are you eating?
Nu Tuhudya Hooba Petzape
I like deer soup
Sawane Tuuna'a
Serve me a little
Saa'a U Poonedooa
See you later
U ha'a Pegabe ga'yoo
Do you have sugar?
Haga Eka Madabooe
Who made this ?
Esa Paba Tamma-ga'yoo
Wolf has big teeth
Nu Wutzume'hoo
I am full
Nota ka Pehabe madabooe
The bee makes honey
How many are we?
Ka To'esabooe Pesa kamma
The chokecherry tastes good
Nu Puuta'e
I am Thirsty
E Koosa Atsakweta'a
My pants are red
U Ha'a Tsea'yae
Are you hungry?
Nu Tuka'se yease Nu Meakwu
I will eat first then will go
Nu Tsea'yae
I am Hungry
Hee Ya'a Kemma
What is coming here?
Turn inside out