A Basic Human Need that must be met
What is Safety
Cannot recognize danger
What is Infants/Toddlers
Colorless, tasteless, odorless toxic gas
What is Carbon Monoxide
Improved communication between healthcare team members. Also known as a "Hand-off Report".
What is SBAR
The use of hand hygiene and personal protective equipment
What is standard precautions?
Play extends to outdoors
What is Preschoolers
Leading cause of fatal home fires
Smoking (Cigarettes)
The use of bed alarms, colored-appropriate arm bands, and decreasing clutter
What is Falls Prevention Strategies
Two Patient Identifiers that should be used in practice
Patient's Name and Date of Birth
Increased injuries related to sports, playgrounds
What is School-Aged Children
Harmful chemical or waste material in the air, water, or soil.
A positive nursing unit improves patient outcomes
Culture of Safety
The accrediting body for healthcare agencies
What is Joint Commission?
Participates in risk-taking behaviors
What is adolescents?
Children 0-4 years are at the highest risk
Involves proper disposal of needles and awareness
Needlestick prevention
What are these examples of?
Patient Identifiers
Improved Communication
Use of Medications Correctly
Use of Alarms
What is Joint Commission's National Patient Safety Goals
Decreased ability to respond to multiple stimuli
What is Older Adults
The second-leading cause of accidental death in the United States
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Involves use of proper body mechanics