Perfusion Disorders (DIC and VSD)
Postpartum Hemorrhage
Mood and Mental Health

These two factors are consumed at a rate faster than the body's ability to produce them in the disorder DIC?

What is platelets and coagulation factors?


This finding is suggestive of endometritis.

What is foul lochia?


Hypotension, tachycardia, tachypnea, decreased urine output, and altered level of consciousness are all manifestations of this type of shock.

What is hypovolemic shock?


A person experiencing this type of grief is unable to move on past their loved one's death and experiences intense sorrow and pain.

What is complicated grief?


HELLP is an acronym used in obstetrical nursing to indicate what lab alterations associated with preeclampsia?

What is hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets?


It is necessary to hold this treatment for VSD in infants whose heart rate is less than 70 or children whose heart rate is less than 90-110.

What is digoxin?


This type of postpartum bleeding is fleshy in odor, may have small clots, and is dark-red in color; occurring on days 1-3 postpartum.

What is lochia rubra?


This finding is considered to be the most common cause of postpartum hemorrhage.

What is uterine atony?


Hallucinations and delusions separate this postpartum mental health disorder from other types.

What is postpartum psychosis?


The difference between a diagnosis of gestational hypertension and preeclampsia mainly depends on this finding.

What is proteinuria?


Pallor, Petichiae, Purpura, and oozing of blood from a puncture site are clinical manifestations of this disorder.

What is Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)?


Changing the perineal pad from front to back, rinsing the perineal area each visit to the bathroom,  as well as avoiding intercourse and tampons in the postpartum period are all part of teaching the woman about this type of postpartum care.

What is perineal care?


This education is given to women to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles and mimics the sensation of stopping the flow of urine.

What is kegel exercise instructions?


Referring to the color "purple" in this situation does not reference the movie but rather a program focused on what?

What is the period of purple crying, a program to educate caregivers about the normal increased crying that a newborn experiences in efforts to reduce shaken baby syndrome?

These three components are the target of preeclampsia pathophysiology.

What is the placenta, uterus, and maternal endothelial cells?


This priority intervention is essential in the treatment of DIC.

What is correct the underlying  cause (remove dead fetus, treat existing infection, remove abrupted placenta).


Due to extra cardiac volume during pregnancy, this finding is often the initial finding when a woman experiences excessive blood loss after delivery.

What is oliguria?


Carboprost (hemabate) is contraindicated in patients with this medical condition.

What is asthma?


This population of women should be screened for prenatal drug use.

Who is all prenatal clients?


The woman with preeclampsia is advised to call her provider or return to the hospital if she experiences these symptoms as they could indicate a worsening of the condition.

What is headaches, epigastric pain, right upper quadrant abdominal pain, and visual disturbances?


2 part question

Clinical findings for this congenital defect (1) are represented by the acronym HOLE which stands for (2).

What is Ventricular Defect?

What is heart failure and pulmonary htn, often experiences lung infections, low growth rate and loss of weight, and extra heart sounds.


Failure to support the lower uterine segment can result in this postpartum complication.

What is uterine inversion?


This medication is the initial treatment  choice in the management of postpartum hemorrhage

What is oxytocin?


Women are at greater risk for this condition when they experience breastfeeding difficulties, lack social support, have low self-esteem, or experience partner violence.

What is postpartum depression?


This medication is used to prevent seizure activity in women with preeclampsia but must be administered carefully due to its potential for respiratory depression.

What is Magnesium Sulfate?
