
The nurse should prepare to instruct the patient regarding this medication as it is the cornerstone of Parkinson's treatment.

What is levodopa/carbidopa?

The effect that causes constipation and dry mouth.

What are anticholinergic effect(s)?


This medication being added decreases the amount of levodopa needed to reach a therapeutic level in the brain, which reduces the incidence of adverse effects.

What is carbidopa?


This is important to remember there is no cure for Alzheimer's disease and treatment is only to do this.

What is slow the progression of the disease?


A reduction of this is expected when assessing if drug therapy is being effective in managing Parkinson's disease.

What are decreased tremors?


This medication is used to help relax certain muscles in the body. It relieves spasms, cramping, and tightness of muscles caused by medical problems, including multiple sclerosis or certain injuries of the spine. 

What is baclofen?


This would necessitate discontinuation of dantrolene therapy. 

What is hepatic insufficiency/injury/dysfunction/failure?


Some medications cause this, and patients should be instructed to change positions slowly.

What is postural hypotension?


This medication is used to cause muscle relaxation, preventing movement, and relieving wrinkles.

What is botulinum toxin A?


The general time it takes to notice a therapeutic effect when taking most antidepressants. 

What is 2 to 4 weeks?


This class of medications may be prescribed to relieve muscle spasms that can accompany the acute pain of fractures. 

What are skeletal muscle relaxants?


This neurotransmitter is decreased in the areas of the corpus striatum which results in the manifestations of Parkinson's disease.

What is dopamine?


Treating schizophrenia with chlorpromazine carries a risk of this, especially if used during long-term therapy, and needs to be assessed for because if caught early this condition may reverse itself, but often once a patient has manifestations, they are irreversible. 

What is Tardive dyskinesia?


This substance should be avoided while taking ADHD medication, like methylphenidate, due to it increasing the stimulating effects of the medication and cause irritability.

What is caffeine?


This would be a priority in patient education due to this vitamin speeding up the conversion of levodopa to dopamine before it can cross the blood brain barrier and leading to Parkinson symptoms. 

What are identifying foods and supplements hign in Vitamin B6?

This is a nursing priority when a patient has been treated for depression for several weeks.

What is implement suicide precautions?


Muscle spasms of the neck, fidgeting behavior, and tremor of the hands are consistent with these manifestations.

What are EPS manifestations?


These are early warning signs of lithium toxicity.

What are vomiting and diarrhea?


This manifestation of Parkinson's disease is called this where the patient has difficulty moving.

What is bradykinesia?


This puts a patient at risk for lithium toxicity.

What is dehydration?


Next Gen Question: Will need to match medications to a class. The three classes are SSRI, MAOI, and TCA (tricyclic).

Review the medications in these classes.


This class of medication can be used to decrease manifestations of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and treat hypertension.

What are alpha adrenergic blocking medications?


This medication prescribed as drug therapy for Parkinson's disease will not affect LOC, motivation, strength or seizure risk, but should cause a decrease in rigidity and tremors.

What is benztropine?


IV Dopamine (medication) causes this therapeutic effect.

What is vasoconstriction and increasing systolic blood pressure?

(peripheral vasostimulant used to treat low blood pressure, low heart rate, and cardiac arrest)


Know what foods contain tyramine, and what medications you need to instruct patients to avoid/eliminate tyramine.

What are 

1. Aged Cheeses

Types of cheese that undergo an aging process will be high in tyramine. These cheeses include cheddar, blue, swiss, parmesan, feta, and Camembert. A study found that aged cheese contains a compound known as spermidine which can help prevent liver damage.

2. Cured or Processed Meats

The longer a food takes to process, the higher the tyramine levels. This relationship between aging and tyramine goes for meats as well as cheese. Cured, smoked, or processed meats include dried sausages like pepperoni and salami, hot dogs, bologna, bacon, and smoked fish.

3. Pickled or Fermented Vegetables

Sauerkraut, kimchi, pickled beets, pickled cucumbers, and pickled peppers have high tyramine levels. Also, fermented soy products like tofu, miso, and soy sauce contain tyramine.

4. Citrus and Tropical Fruits

Citrus fruits like orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime, and tangerine contain high levels of tyramine. Tropical fruits have higher tyramine levels when ripened. Ripe bananas, pineapple, and avocado should be avoided if you are particularly sensitive to tyramine.

5. Alcoholic Beverages

Fermented alcohol contains tyramine. Beer, red wine, vermouth, sherry, and some liqueurs have high amounts of tyramine.

Mixing tyramine with monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) such as selegiline and phenelzine can cause unsafe spikes in blood pressure. Patients should either avoid foods containing tyramine while taking MAOIs or switch to an alternative depression treatment.
