Palliative Care & Cancer
Kidney & IBD
Endocrine Part 2
Diabetes & Obesity
Mobility & Heart Failure

This type of care focuses on improving quality of life and treatment of chronic conditions.

What is Palliative Care?


This GFR range indicates that a patient is in end-stage renal failure.

What is 15 ml/min or under?


This medication is taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach in patients with hypothyroidism.

What is synthroid (levothyroxine)?


This type of insulin is given with meals depending on the patient's intake and blood glucose level.

What is short or rapid acting insulin? 

Also acceptable: bolus dose


This neurodegenerative disease presents with impaired gait, tremors, and mask-like expression.

What is parkinson's disease?


The nurse is caring for patient in hospice with end stage lung cancer. The patient's respirations are 8 but the nurse administers opioid pain medication anyways. This principle used by the nurse focuses on comfort over medical stability in hospice patients.

What is the Double Effect Principle?


This is the main risk factor for a patient developing acute glomerulonephritis.

What is strep throat or streptococcal infection?


This adrenal disease presents with hypotension, thick, coarse skin, moon face, and truncal weight gain.

What is Cushing's Syndrome?


This is the first sign that a patient is experiencing dumping syndrome following bariatric surgery.

What are abdominal cramps?

Also acceptable: feelings of fullness

This disease is the leading cause of Guillain-Barre syndrome in young adults.

What is respiratory or GI infection?


This type of cancer treatment targets all healthy cells regardless if they are cancerous or not.

What is chemotherapy?


A patient with this bowel disease experiences 10 or more bloody stools daily during an exacerbation.

What is ulcerative colitis?


This is a potential complication for a patient with hyperthyroidism that is non-compliant in taking her prescribed Tapazole.

What is thyroid storm?

This physiological complication occurs in diabetic patients when insulin injection sites are not rotated or alternated appropriately.

What is lipodystrophy or hypertrophy?


This disease is the leading cause/risk factor of heart failure in cardiac patients.

What is coronary artery disease?


The nurse perform this assessment first when caring for a patient undergoing chemotherapy with a platelet count of 10,000 cells/mm.

What is assess for bleeding?


This medication is given orally in renal failure to lower serum potassium levels.

What is kayexalate?


A patient arrives to the ER with a recent 10lb weight gain and BP 180/92. Their sodium level is also 90. The patient likely has this pituitary gland disorder.

What is SIADH?


Roux-en-y is considered this type of bariatric surgery due to re-routing the bowel pathway and minimizing the size of the stomach.

What is combination malabsorptive & restrictive?


This neurocognitive disease will sometimes experience an electric shock sensation down their spine known as Lhermitte's Sign.

What is multiple sclerosis?


When inflating a blood pressure cuff, the patient's hand begins to twitch and retract. This sign indicates that a patient is experiencing hypocalcemia following cancer treatment. 

What is Trousseu's Sign?


A patient is in this stage of renal failure if they have a urine output of 200 mL.

What is oliguric phase?


A patient with DI is receiving sodium correction daily. This is the maximum number that the sodium should increase in a 24 hour period.

What is 8 mEq/L?


A patient with type II diabetes arrives to the emergency department with Kussmaul respirations and a blood glucose of 350. This will be the priority IV treatment for the patient.

What is IV regular insulin?


A patient experiencing cyanosis to the lips and fingers, dyspnea, and fatigue is experiencing this type of heart failure.

What is left-sided heart failure?
