Use: Hypertension (HTN)
Class: Calcium channel blocker
Key fact: Watch for peripheral edema
What is Amlodipine?
Use: Treat supraventricular tachycardia (SVT)
Class: Antiarrhythmic
Key fact: Causes brief asystole to reset rhythm – MONITOR WITH TELEMETRY!
What is adenosine?
Use: Prevent clots
Class: Antiplatelet
Key fact: Increases bleeding risk
What is clopidogrel?
Use: Diabetes mellitus (DM) 1 & 2
Key fact: Lispro (rapid), regular (IV for DKA), NPH (intermediate), glargine (no peak); watch for hypoglycemia
What is insulin?
Use: Acute asthma or COPD exacerbation
Class: Short-acting beta agonist (SABA)
Key fact: Watch for tachycardia
What is albuterol?
Use: Edema, HTN
Class: Loop diuretic
Key fact: Monitor potassium, risk of ototoxicity at high doses
What is furosemide?
Use: for ventricular dysrhythmias
Class: Antiarrhythmic
Key fact: Watch for pulmonary/liver toxicity
What is amiodarone?
Use: Deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism (PE)
Class: Low molecular weight heparin
Key fact: No partial thromboplastin time (PTT) monitoring
What is enoxaparin?
Use: DM II
Class: Sulfonylurea
Key fact: Risk of hypoglycemia, take with food, assess allergy to sulfa drugs
What is glipizide?
Use: Manage allergies or asthma
Class: Corticosteroid
Key fact: Rinse mouth after inhaler use
What is fluticansone?
Use: HTN, heart failure (HF)
Class: Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor (-pril)
Key fact: Watch for cough, angioedema, hyperkalemia
Use: High cholesterol
Class: Statin
Key fact: Monitor liver function tests; watch for muscle pain (rhabdomyolysis)
Use: DVT, PE
Class: Anticoagulant
Key fact: Monitor PTT, antidote is protamine sulfate
What is heparin?
Use: DM II
Class: Biguanide
Key fact: Does not cause hypoglycemia; risk of lactic acidosis
What is metformin?
Use: COPD or asthma
Class: Anticholinergic
Key fact: Commonly causes dry mouth
What is ipratropium?
Use: HTN, HF
Class: Angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) (-sartan)
Key fact: Similar to ACE inhibitors but no dry cough
What is Losartan?
Use: HF, atrial fibrillation (Afib), HF
Class: Cardiac glycoside
Key fact: Monitor for toxicity (nausea, vomiting, vision changes); check apical pulse before giving (hold if HR < 60 bpm)
What is digoxin?
Use: DVT, PE
Class: Anticoagulant
Key fact: Monitor international normalized ratio (INR), avoid vitamin K-rich foods
What is warfarin?
Use: Constipation
Class: Stool softener
Key fact: Promotes bowel movements
What is docusate sodium?
Use: Asthma or allergy prevention
Class: Leukotriene receptor antagonist
Key fact: Take at night
What is montelukast?
Use: HTN, HF, angina
Class: Beta-blocker (-olol/-ilol)
Key fact: Hold if heart rate (HR) < 60 bpm
What is Metoprolol?
Use: Angina
Class: Nitrate
Key fact: Causes headache, hypotension
What is nitroglycerin?
group of medications called salicylates.
lowers risk of MI, stroke or blood clot.
What is aspirin?
Class: Proton pump inhibitor (PPI) (-azole)
Key fact: Take before first meal of day; long-term use increases risk for fractures
What is Pantoprazole?
Use: Long-term asthma or COPD management
Class: Long-acting beta agonist (LABA)
Key fact: Not for acute respiratory exacerbations
What is salmeterol?