Body mass index of 30mg/m2 or higher
What is obesity?
Increased abdominal girth, vein distention
What are ascites?
Small sample of tissue obtained for examination
What is a biopsy?
Lifestyle modifications, medications, surgery
What are treatments for obesity?
Bilirubin level 2 mg/Dl or higher
What is Jaundice?
Results in weight loss of 10-35% of body weight within 2-3 years
What is bariatric surgery?
Dark orange-brown urine, clay-colored stool, pruritis, dyspepsia
What is obstructive jaundice?
Useful in detecting hepatitis, idicates injury to liver cells
What is serum aminotransferese?
Low-sodium diet, diuretics, paracentesis
What are treatments for ascites?
Spread by poor hand hygiene via fecal-oral route
What is heptitis A?
Systemic viral infection that causes necrosis and inflammation of liver cells
What is hepatitis?
Hematemesis, melena, shock
What are esophageal varices?
Levels increase in liver disorders, used to monitor hepatitis and cirrhosis
What is Alanine aminotransferase?
Lactulose, IV glucose, protein restriction
What are the treatments for hepatic encephalopathy?
Glucose metabolism, ammonia conversion & protein metabolism
What are the functions of the liver?
Occurs secondary to cirrhosis and has a first episode mortality rate of 10-30%
What are esophageal varices?
Mild flu-like symptoms, fever, anorexia, later jaundice and dark urine, enlargement of liver and spleen
Not specific to liver disease, but may be increased with cirrhosis, hepatitis or liver cancer
What is Aspartate aminotransferse?
Balloon tamponade, vasopressin, surgery
What are treatments for esophageal varices?
What are symptoms of hepatic encephalopathy?
Destruction and fibrotic regeneration of hepatic cells resulting in impaired blood and lymph flow
What is hepatic cirrhosis?
Liver enlargement, portal obstruction, ascites, peritonitis
What is hepatic cirrhosis?
What is Gamma-glutamyl transferase?
Radiation, chemotherapy, lobectomy
What are treatments for liver cancer?
The most common cause for a liver transplant
What is Hepatitis C?