The Most Important Thing is a Good Personality
It's A Brain Thing
Do the Right Thing
Too Much of a Thing
Random Things

I am characterized by distrust and suspiciousness and based on unfounded beliefs that others are out to harm them. 

What is a paranoid personality?


Disruption of thinking, processing and memory usually seen in older adults experiencing acute illness, and is short-term and reversible. 

What is delirium?


Individuals who should have access to information about a mental health client's care. 

Who are individual's involved in the client's care or those designated by the client in written consent? 


The priority nursing concern for a client experiencing a panic attack. 

What is safety? 


This would be suspected if a young child does not make direct eye contact with parents, has delayed speech and language skills, and does not respond to their name. 

What is Autism spectrum disorder?

Other signs would include, preferring to be alone, not playing pretend games, repeating words and phrases, flapping hands or rocking, unusual response or reactions to sounds, smells, touch. 


I am characterized by indecisiveness, perfectionism, and a focus on orderliness that inhibits my ability to accomplish tasks. 

Who is obsessive-compulsive disorders?


Purpose of administering medications for clients with dementia.

What is to slow the progression of the disease, manage symptoms.

The ethical principle the nurse is exhibiting when a client asks them to be present when they talk to their parents after admission to a mental health unit and the nurse remains with the client during this interaction. 

What is fidelity?


A client experiencing a panic attack often has overstimulation of this system.

What is the sympathetic nervous system? 


Inconsistencies in a child's medical history during evaluation and delays in treatment of a child with injury or illness.

What is neglect? 


I am have a lot of arrogance and grandiose views of self importance, need consistent admiration and have a lack of empathy for other. 

Who is a narcissistic personality.


This Neurotransmitter is deficient in many people with depression.   

What is serotonin.


The time limit for an initial order for restraints of an aggressive 20 year-old client.  

What is 4 hours?

9-17 = 2 hours

8 & under = 1 hour

If need longer provider must reassess client and write a new order. 


Suspected addiction problem for A 25 year-old patient presenting with seizures. tachycardia, chest pain hypertension, and tremors.

What is cocaine intoxication?


A factor that would contribute to a client with a chronic mental health diagnosis ability to adjust to their role transision? 

What is functional ability, living arrangements, attitudes, caregivers and family support, communtiy programs, medication use. 


I thrive on conflict in relationships, have instability in my affect, exhibit splitting mechanisms, and tend to have extra amounts of manipulation, and impulsiveness in my life. 

Who is a Borderline personality?


Three differences between delirium and dementia.

What are: 

Onset speed, causes, LOC change, vital signs


This includes freedom from harm both physical and psychological, confidentiality, care provided with dignity and respect, and participation in their own care plan. 

What are legal rights of clients? 


Four expected findings of a client experiencing a manic phase with bipolar disorder. 

What are euphoria, agitation, restlessness (lack of sleep), intolerance of interference/criticism, Impulsiveness, poor judgement, neglect of ADL, denial, attention seeking behaviors (flashy dress, make-up), inappropriate behaviors. 


Defense mechanism that represented by an adult pouting and whining when they do not get their partner's full attention.

What is regression?


I am emotionally detached from others and don't values feelings or relationships. Some call me "Mr. Spock"

Who is a schizoid personality?


Appropriate interventions when caring for a client with moderate to severe dementia. 

a. Place mirrors in the patient's room

b. Maintain a consistent daily routine

c. Argue about hallucinations and delusions

d. Place pictures and memorabilia in the room.

e. Reorient the client on time, place and person

What is b, d, e?


A nurse who applies restraints to a client as a punishment could face these charges. 

What is battery?


Three things you would teach a client about taking lithium to treat bipolar disorder. 

What is 1. take with food to decrease N/V, 2. Do not alter doses. 3. Keep scheduoled appointments. 4. Need to check blood levels as ordered. 5. Do not use with diuretics (decrease in sodium can cause toxicity of lithium). 6. Try to avoid excessive sweating. 7. Use birth control (women). 8. Signs of toxicity include vomiting, tremors, muscle weakness, drowsiness). 


The transference of mental experiences into physical bodily symptoms. 

What is Somatization?
