Communication Strategies
Effective Communication
The Interview
Group Dynamics

This is a service provided by the College of Nurses of Ontario so anyone can look up the registration status of a nurse. 

What is Find a Nurse? 


Rephrasing what patient is saying in your own words, summarizing emotion, “it sounds as though you don’t think this treatment is working and you’re frustrated.”

What is paraphrasing? 


Examples are: 

Avoid jargon and abbreviations

Not overly loud or soft

Open and close ended questions


Asking how the person would like to be addressed

Caring comments

Positive attitude

What are examples of positive verbal communication techniques? 


During this interaction, information such as the reason for presenting to care, medical history, medications, living situation, support system, spiritual/religious beliefs is collected and is a great opportunity to build trust and rapport with the patient. 

What is the interview to complete a health history? 


Behavioural rules of conduct of group members, in this case explicit. Examples are expectations around confidentiality, competence, etc. In the case of the College of Nurses of Ontario, nurses are held accountable if they do not comply with the standards. 

What are universal norms? 


Characteristics of people: 

•Evaluate themselves realistically

•Are non defensive and assertive in response to criticism

•Accept compliments easily

•Strong social supports

•Generally content with life

•Internal locus of control

What are characteristics of someone with positive self esteem? 


False reassurances: “it will be ok, everything will work out”

Giving advice: making a decision for the patient, “If I were you….”

False inferences: jumping to conclusions 

What are examples of negative responses? 


Examples are: 

Maintain eye contact

Smile often if appropriate

Nodding head to show attentiveness

Upright posture, open stance

At level of patient

Showing respect

What are example of appropriate non verbal communication strategies? 


This is when the nurse regards the patient in a good, respectful way regardless of their circumstances or behaviours. 

What is unconditional positive regard? 


Tuckman's five stages of group development are: 






What are the stages of group development? 

“totality of each person’s beliefs about their inner self”

•Integration of culture, environment, gender roles, ethnic and racial identity, spiritual beliefs, values, upbringing, education, personality and life experiences

What is self concept? 


When a patient is: 

Preoccupied with pain, physical discomfort, worry, personal beliefs

Unable to understand nurse or what is going on

Struggling with highly emotional situation

Feeling defensive, insecure or judged

What are barriers to communication from the patient perspective? 


There are two components to the response: 

reflect on person's emotion, such as "It sound like you're very upset about your diagnosis,"

then ask an open ended question, "tell me how you think it will impact your life."

What is active listening? 


Nurse will be aware of verbal and non verbal communication, have unconditional positive regard, be empathetic and actively listen. 

What are the behaviours a nurse should demonstrate during the interview? 

Some task functions are: 


seeking information or opinion

giving information or opinion

clarifying or elaborating


consensus taking 

What are task functions in a group? 


“Give me an example of when you….”

“Tell me about the pain in your arm”

“When did you start feeling the


What are examples of focused questions? 


Nurse Factors: 

Preoccupation with personal agenda

Feeling hurried or overwhelmed

Making assumptions about patient

Cultural stereotypes

Defensiveness about job or being able to help patient

What are barriers to effective communication that involve the nurse? 


Advantages of this are: 

Establishes therapeutic relationship

Assessment more accurate and in depth

Faster, more accurate diagnosis 

Better, more appropriate care

Less chance of errors!

Higher patient satisfaction

Higher nurse satisfaction

Less conflict

Better teams

What are benefits of effective communication? 


The environment should be quiet and private. No interruptions during the interview. Nurse should be eye level with patient. Minimal notes jotted down. 

What is an effective setting for conducting the interview? 


Don't show up, don't add anything, let everyone else do the work!

Roles include: aggressor, blocker, joker, avoider, self-confessor and recognition seeker 

What are unhelpful behaviours in groups? 


“Did your daughter come to the hospital with you?”

“What time did you go to the scan?”

“Do you have any allergies?”

What are examples of closed ended questions? 


“What is important to you right now?”

“What do you see as the options for your next step?”

“What has this experience been like for you?”

“How can I help you?”

What are examples of open ended questions? 


Nurse has power due to specialized knowledge, professional position, access to privileged information about the client. 

Client often in vulnerable state, usually unwell, may be scared. 

Professional accountability keeps somewhat of a balance. 

What makes the nurse client relationship imbalanced? 


This phase of the interview involves introducing yourself, explaining the reason for the interview and establishing rapport with the client. 

What is the beginning of the interview? 


A phenomena where people tend to conform to group decisions without critically thinking and speaking out about their opinions and feelings. 

What is group think? 
