Professional Nursing Roles
Career Development for Nurses
Historical Influences
Nursing Roles in Community-Based Nursing
Health Care Services

A statement of philosophical ideals of right and wrong that define the principles you will use to provide care to your patients.

What is the nursing code of ethics?


A nurse who has been in the same clinical position for 2 to 3 years. This nurse understands the organization and specific care required by the type of patients (e.g., surgical, oncology, or orthopedic patients). This nurse is a competent practitioner who is able to anticipate nursing care and establish long-range goals. In this phase the nurse has usually had experience with all types of psychomotor skills required by this specific group of patients.



Connie is an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse with a master's degree in nursing. She is also educated in midwifery.

What is Connie?

Connie is a certified nurse mid-wife (CNM).


The first practicing nurse epidemiologist.

Who is Florence Nightingale?


This nurse uses Motivational Interviewing to help clients in the community identify health problems and the appropriate courses of action to solve those problems?

What is a nurse in the role of counselor?

Programs such as cardiac rehab or pulmonary rehab.

Sports medicine. Home care. Spinal cord injury programs.

What is Restorative care?


In this role the nurse identifies patients' willingness and ability to learn, and demonstrates procedures.

What is Educator?


Beginning nursing student or any nurse entering a situation in which there is no previous level of experience (e.g., an experienced operating room nurse chooses to now practice in home health). The learner learns via a specific set of rules or procedures, which are usually stepwise and linear.

What is NOVICE?


This nurse must have at least one year of Critical Care or Emergency experience. After completing courses at the graduate level this nurse can practice both autonomously and also in collaboration with an interprofessional team to provide pain management and evidence-based anesthesia care.

What is a certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA)?


This nurse founded the American Red Cross.

Who is Clara Barton?


A nurse acting in this role empowers clients and their families to solve problems creatively. This nurse gathers and analyzes facts, and then implements changes to help people improve their health.

What is a Change Agent?


Long-term care in an assisted living center. Older adult day care. Psychiatric care.

What is Continuing Care?


What role is the nurse demonstrating in the following example?

Sarah, a Registered Nurse,  coordinates the activities of members of a nursing staff in delivering nursing care and has personnel, policy, and budgetary responsibility for a specific nursing unit or agency.

What is Manager?


A nurse who has had some level of experience with the situation. This experience may be only observational in nature, but the nurse is able to identify meaningful aspects or principles of nursing care.

What is Advanced Beginner?


Kathy works with patients and their family to help them manage their diabetic self-management and reduce disease-related complications.

What is a Nurse Educator / Diabetic Educator?


The first professionally educated African-American nurse.

Who is Mary Mahoney?


The nurse in this role assumes responsibility for multiple patients, coordinating multiple providers in different settings and specialties.

What is a Case Manager?


Highly specialized care such as Cardiac Intensive Care, an inpatient psychiatric facility, or specialty care such as rheumatology, oncology or dermatology.

What is Tertiary care?


This nurse acts on behalf of the patient, safeguarding care against errors, suggesting alternatives to care, securing your patient’s health care rights, and facilitating personal and cultural preferences.

Who is the advocate?


A nurse with diverse experience who has an intuitive grasp of an existing or potential clinical problem. This nurse is able to zero in on the problem and focus on multiple dimensions of the situation. This nurse is skilled at identifying both patient-centered problems and problems related to the health care system or perhaps the needs of the novice nurse.

What is EXPERT?


The nurse in this role conducts evidence-based practice, performance improvement, and research to improve nursing care and further define and expand the nursing practice.

What is a Nurse Researcher?


Opened the Henry Street Settlement, which focused on the health needs of poor people who lived in tenements in New York City.

Who are Lillian Wald and Mary Brewster?


Responsible for community surveillance, for example tracking outbreaks of head lice, and presence of infectious and communicable diseases.

Who are Nurse Epidemiologists?


This type of care might include screenings for blood pressure or tobacco use, mental health crisis prevention, and diet counseling.

What is Preventive care?


The ability to initiate independent nursing interventions. Professional and legal responsibility for the type and quality of nursing care that you provide as a nurse.

What is autonomy and accountability?


A nurse with more than 2 to 3 years of experience in the same clinical position. This nurse perceives a patient’s clinical situation as a whole, is able to assess an entire situation, and can readily transfer knowledge gained from multiple previous experiences to a situation. This nurse focuses on managing care as opposed to managing and performing skills.



This nurse is able to provide primary, acute, and specialty health care to patients of all ages in all types of health care settings.

What is a Nurse Practitioner?


During the Civil War these nurses organized ambulances and cared for wounded soldiers.

Who are Dorothea Lynde Dix, Mary Ann Ball (Mother Bickerdyke)?


This nursing role is required when a patient is discharged from the hospital and requires interprofessional care in the home and support for the family.

What is a collaborator?


This type of care might involve a visit to the local Urgent Care Center, outpatient surgery, or receiving an X-ray for a painful wrist after slipping on the ice.

What is Secondary Care (acute care)?
