The medical term used when the temperature is above normal
What is hyperthermia?
This pulse is palpated near the thumb side of the patients wrist
What is radial?
True or false: you should tell the patient when counting their breathing?
Name the pressure that occurs when the ventricles contract
What is systolic pressure
The appropriate placement of a pulse oximeter
What is the finger, toes, nose or ear
The term used when the body temperature is below normal.
What is hypothermia?
Three characteristics to note when assessing the pulse
What is rate, rhythm and intensity
Normal respiratory rate for an adult
What is 12-20?
Name the pressure that occurs when the ventricles are relaxed
What is diastolic pressure
The process of taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide
What is respiration or ventilation
This temperature measurement is not considered very accurate in adults
What is axillary?
The normal adult heart rate
What is 60-100 bpm
The term used for slow breathing
A normal blood pressure for an adult
What is <120/<80
The cells in the blood that carry oxygen
What is hemoglobin
When taking an oral temperature, how long should you wait after eating or drinking cold or hot fluids, or smoking/vaping?
What is a minimum of 10 minutes?
This pulse is palpated on the dorsal side of the patients foot
What is dorsalis pedis (or pedal pulse)
The three characteristics you assess with respirations
What is rate, rhythm, depth
The position of the arm during bp measurement
Three things that can cause an erroneous reading or no reading
What is nail polish, cold extremities, and poor perfusion
This is the most accurate route to assess temperature
What is rectal?
How long you should count an irregular pulse rate
What is 1 full minute
How long you should count respirations in a healthy adult?
what is 15x4, 30x2, or 1 minute
The difference between the systolic and the diastolic
What is pulse pressure?
You should be concerned with an O2 saturation less than this in a healthy adult
What is <90; ideally they should be 94 or above