Chapter 19
The "I" in ADPIE
Chapter 20
Let's EVALUATE the situation
Chapter 31
Laughter is the best medicine
Vocabulary (All Chapters)
A bitter pill to swallow. (More medication administration)

Interventions and treatments nurses provide through interactions with patients or a group of patients.

What is direct care?


Evaluation is not an ongoing integrated nursing care activity. True or False?

What is false.

The study of how medications enter the body, reach their site of action, metabolize, and exit the body.

What is pharmacokinetics.


Evaluative measures

Similar to and often the same as assessment skills and techniques (observations, physiological measurements, use of measurement scales, and patient interviews) but differs from assessment because evaluative measures are performed after nursing interventions.


A predictable and often unavoidable adverse effect produced at a usual therapeutic dose.

What is a side effect?


Care interventions or treatments performed away from a patient but on behalf of the patient or group of patients.

What is indirect care?


Criteria used to determine the effectiveness of a nursing outcome.

What is an expected outcome?


The passage of medication molecules into the blood stream from the site of administration.

What is absorption.


Care bundle

One form of a clinical guideline. A group of interventions related to a disease process or condition. The interventions, when implemented together, can result in better patient outcomes than when the interventions are implemented individually. Care bundles are designed to improve quality of care by preventing the most common complications associated with their conditions or diagnoses.


This occurs over time. It is usually noted clinically when patients receive more and more medication (higher doses) to achieve the same therapeutic effect.

What is medication tolerance.


A preprinted document that contains orders for the conduct of routine therapies or monitoring guidelines for patients with identified clinical problems.

What is a standing order.


Catheter associated urinary tract infections, peripheral IV infiltration, and ventilator-associated pneumonia.

What are three examples of nurse sensitive outcomes. (Page 300, Box 20.2)


The expected or predicted physiological response that a medication causes.

What is the therapeutic effect.


Instrumental activities of daily living

Refers to activities that support daily life and are oriented toward interacting with the environment (e.g., shopping, caring for pets, home maintenance, preparing meals, housecleaning, writing checks, and taking medications) (Lyon, 2020). IADLs are typically more complex than ADLs and generally are managed by occupational therapists.


A reaction in which a patient overreacts or underreacts to a medication or has a reaction different from normal.

What is an idiosyncratic reaction.


Activities performed in the course of a normal day.

What are activities of daily living or ADLs.


What to do when the nurse and the patient agree that expected outcomes and goals have been met.

What is discontinue the care plan.


Most influence over nursing practice by defining the scope of a nurse's professional functions and responsibilities.

What are nurse practice acts?


Patient adherence

Patient adherence means that patients and families invest time in carrying out required health care treatments. It includes willingness of a patient to implement a regimen (daily drug-taking) and persistence (continuity of treatment) in taking the medication.


Injecting a medication into body tissues and the four major sites of injection.

What is parenteral administration.

What are Intradermal (ID); Subcutaneous; Intramuscular; Intravenous (IV).


The Helping Role, the Teaching-Coaching Function, and the Diagnostic and Patient-Monitoring Function are all examples of what?

What are domains of nursing practice? (Page 277, Box 19.1 in Fundamentals textbook)


The classification in a standard nursing language (SNL) for the outcomes used in the evaluation step of the nursing process.

What is the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC).


Life threatening characterized by sudden constriction of bronchial muscles, edema of the pharynx and larynx, severe wheezing, and shortness of breath.

What is an anaphylactic reaction.


Involves the infusion of medication directly into the bone marrow.



Medications are administered in the space via a catheter, which is placed by a nurse anesthetist or an anesthesiologist. This route is used for the administration of regional analgesia for surgical procedures. Nurses must have advanced training to administer medications this way.

What is epidural?


The nurse establishes trust and talks with a school-aged patient before administering an injection. Which type of implementation skill is the nurse using

What is interpersonal.


Self-Efficacy, and health behavior, are two evaluation indicators for this.

What is self management evaluation. (Page 295, Table 20.2)


The highest serum level of a medication is known as this, while the lowest serum level is known as this.

What is peak and trough.

Definition of synergistic effect 

When two medications have a synergistic effect, their combined effect is greater than the effect of the medications when given separately.


How to document verbal and telephone orders.

Write “TO” (telephone order) or “VO” (verbal order), including date and time, name of patient, and complete order; sign the name of the health care provider and nurse.
