This begins with more benign symptoms but progresses to short, rapid coughs followed by a crowing or whoop sound
What is pertussis (whooping cough)?
This can be used as a barometer of illness
What is play?
This is what children up to age 6 are primarily dependent on when breathing
What is the diaphragm?
This is the key to injury prevention
What is education?
These organs are the most severely affected during leukemia
What is the liver and spleen?
What is Roseola?
This is essential in caring for the pediatric patient
What is understanding normal growth and development?
This neurological phenomenon occurs over the first year of life
What is myelinization?
This is the most common injury in the school aged child
What is an MVA (either as a pedestrian or passenger)?
This is the leading cause of death from disease in children past infancy
What are neoplastic disorders?
This is associated with complications such as orchitis, pancreatitis, deafness, and meninogencephalitis
What is mumps?
This remains a major stress for hospitalized toddlers and preschoolers
What is separation from parents?
This cyanosis improves with crying
What is pulmonary as deep breathing improves tidal volume?
This is the age group that emphasis is now on education concerning safety and potential hazards
What is a preschooler?
This type of lymphoma is more prevalent in ages 15-19 and is usually diagnosed at an earlier stage of disease
What is Hodgkin's disease?
VZV remains latent where to reactivate and cause shingles?
What is the dorsal root ganglia?
This is the age when one can stand and walk with support, and says 2-3 words with meaning
What is 12 months old?
These are signs of increased work of breathing
What is retractions, accessory muscle use, grunting, head bobbing, nasal flaring, and tracheal tug?
These are the components of the mental status exam
What is appearance, speech, emotions, perception, thoughts, insights and cognition?
This is the pathophysiology of sickle cell anemia
What is obstruction of the sickled RBCs causing vascular damage and increased RBC destruction?
These are used to treat Croup
What are vaporizers, oral fluids, and antipyretics?
This is how much the preschooler's height will change per year
What is ~2.5 to 3 inches?
This is when the posterior and anterior fontanelles close
What is 2-3 months and 18 months?
These are injuries we try to prevent in infants
What is aspiration of foreign objects, suffocation, MVAs, falls, poisoning, burns, drowning, and bodily damage?
These are the clinical manifestations of sickle cell anemia
What is a vaso-occlusive crisis, stroke, chest syndrome, acute splenic sequestration, hyperhemolytic and infection?