These are the two organs most affected in tumor lysis syndrome
Kidneys and heart
This class of drug can bind to a cancer specific antigen on a cancer cell, making it more likely to be destroyed by the patient’s immune system
Monoclonal antibody
This medication can be used to treat the bradycardia of neurogenic shock
Called the “guardian of the genome”, the gene stops cell division after an abnormality has been detected
P53 gene
Anaphylactic shock in caused by activation of mast cells and basophils by this type of antibody/immunoglobulin
IgE (type I hypersensitivity reaction)
Thrombocytopenia occurs when platelets fall below these amount
20,000 cells/uL
Both cyclosporine (Sandimmune, Neoral) and tacrolimus (Prograf, FK-506) work by suppressing the proliferation of this immune cell type
The summer of 1994 was the only time ever that the U.S. hosted what major sports event?
What is the FIFA World Cup
A and T; G and C
What are nitrogen bases of DNA?
This is the term for removing cancerous masses via surgery
This is the phase of the cell cycle in which synthesis of DNA occurs
S phase
Most cases of septic shock are due to this subtype of bacterial
Gram-negative bacilli
In general, this is the single biggest risk factor for cancer
This is the most common cause of cardiogenic shock
Myocardial Infarction
This is the cause of the majority of cases of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)
Philadelphia chromosome
Long-term glucocorticoid therapy has this effect on the adrenal medulla
This 1997 film, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, was a blockbuster hit and won 11 Academy Awards?
What is Titanic
A change in a base pair that does not result in a change in the sequence of amino acids in a protein
What is a silent mutation?
When patients are receiving cytotoxic medications, this is when anti-emetic medications should be administered
Before cytotoxic medications
This is the term for ulceration of the GI tract secondary to cytotoxic medications
These are the three criteria measured in the qSOFA
Mental Status (GCS), respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure
Using the TNM staging system, this would be the way to describe the presence of metastasis
Priapism can be a sign of this type of shock
In order to be diagnosed with an acute leukemia, the percentage of blasts must be above this amount
High-dose glucocorticoid therapy leads to a redistribution of fat on the body, including accumulation in these two places where fat is uncommon to accumulate
What is the face (moon face) and middle of the back (buffalo hump)
These are the first and last names of the 6 main characters on the TV show "Friends"
Who are Phoebe Buffay, Rachel Green, Ross Gellar, Monica Gellar, Chandler Bing, and Joey Tribbiani
Males are more often affected than females.
What is an X-linked Recessive Disorder?
Imatanib (Gleevac) inhibits this, the cause of most cases of CML
Philadelphia chromosome
The neutropenic nadir occurs this many days after the administration of chemo
These are the three diagnostic criteria for anaphylactic shock
While the suffix –oma normally denotes a benign tumor, this is of the three malignancies that end in –oma
Lymphoma, hepatoma, melanoma
This should be done before any antibiotics are administered to a patient with suspected sepsis
Obtain cultures
This type of leukemia has the most subtypes
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML)
This is the pharmacologic treatment for acute organ rejection
Corticosteroids, antibodies, increased immunosuppressant
If you wanted to automatically redial the number of the last incoming call that was received on your land line, you would dial this
3 copies of a single chromosome
What is Aneuploidy?
Aromatase inhibitors would not be effective in this patient population
Pre-menopausal women
Tumor lysis syndrome can cause alterations in the levels of uric acid, potassium, phosphate, and calcium; this is the only one of these that becomes lower
The pulmonary artery capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) is an indirect measurement of this
Left atrial pressure (which in turn reflects ineffective pumping of left ventricle)
One of the three cancers that are most increased in patients who are immunosuppressed
Kaposi’s sarcoma, lymphomas, skin cancers
These are the three types of shock that have decreased systemic vascular resistance (SVR)
Neurogenic, anaphylactic, septic
This type of hematologic cancer is the most likely to cause pathologic fractures
Multiple Myeloma
Long term high-dose glucocorticoid therapy causes the iatrogenic form of this disease process
Cushing's syndrome
Uncle Phil runs for Superior Court Judge against his former law school mentor in an episode of what 1990s sitcom?
What is "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"
46 chromosomes
What is the incorrect way to say how many chromosomes humans have?