Policy vs Politics
Policies in Nursing
Influencing Policy

What is policy?

"A statement of direction resulting from a decision-making process that applies reason, evidence, and values in public or private settings" (McIntyre, M. & McDonald, C., 2019, p. 231). 


Policies deal with _____ and _____ while politics deals with _____.

Policies deal with shoulds and oughts while politics deals with conditions.


When especially do universities and professional associations (example: CNA) publish tools and resources to help nurses get involved in policies nd politics?

Election time


Who is considered a skilled political actor who shaped health policy from the beginning of organized nursing?

Florence Nightingale


The four stages of an evolving policy model

1. Getting to the policy agenda
2. Moving into action
3. Implementation and change
4. Evaluation and revision

(McIntyre, M. & McDonald, C., 2019, p. 236)


According to Clarke (2006), what is politics?

The art of understanding relationships between groups in society, and using that understanding to achieve particular outcomes.


Which is reactive and which is proactive?

Policy is proactive

Politics is reactive


3 sources Nursing Policies arise from

public sources

organizational sources

professional sources


In 1979, nurses (CNA) were the only group able to influence a change in what act

Canada Health Act


Forces influencing the Policy Cycle

Economics, ethics, evidence, globalization, ideas, ideology, innovation, institutions, interests, interest groups, intuition, politics, technology, timing


WHO (2017) definition of health policy

decisions, plans, and actions that are undertaken to achieve specific healthcare goals within a society


Success in policy development requires an understanding of _______________.

Political agendas at play


How can nurses contribute to advocacy and healthy public policy?

By having expertise in a range of health-related topics and issues

Help explain individuals and communities needs

Conducting and interpreting health research around policy development


In 2000, when the government of Saskatchewan said it could not support the Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association's (SRNA) position on a baccalaureate education and wanted to go back to a diploma program, what did the student nurses do?

"Backed be the SRNA, student nurses sent postcards to each member of the legislative assembly and to the premier and appeared in person on the steps of the legislature, asserting that reverting to diploma education was a "Band-aid" solution that would do nothing for nursing recruitment and retention in the long term. Eventually, the government dropped its plan" (McIntyre, M. & McDonald, C., 2019, p. 234).


What are four questions to ask to define an emerging problem or issue?

What IS the problem and whom does it affect?
What ARE the various options for action?
What WILL HAPPEN if it is not addressed?
Does this issue fall within OUR mandate?

(McIntyre, M. & McDonald, C., 2019, p. 237)


What is public policy?

"A statement produced by a public authority that defines one or more problems affecting the population or one or more groups within it, and that also furnishes a response to that problem in terms of objectives, actions and actors" (McIntyre, M. & McDonald, C., 2019, p. 231). 


Is nursing a political act?



Why should nurses be involved in influencing a policy?

"The ultimate reason for enhancing nurses political influence, be it in the workplace, community, government, or professional organization, into improve the healthcare received by individuals, communities, and populations" (McIntyre, M. & McDonald, C., 2019, p. 233).


What did the report Our Health, Our Future: Creating Quality Workplaces for Canadian Nurses accomplish?

It was influential in focusing attention on the need for workplace changes for nurses in Canada.


What are the three major elements in the Change Leadership Framework?

Being Strategic, Engaging People, & Managing the Change

(McIntyre, M. & McDonald, C., 2019, p. 242)
