You need to report system issues, lateness or absence.
What is contact my manager, Donna?
The member reports having cough, stuffy nose and headache for three days.
What is Triage?
Member disconnected before the nurse receives the Program ID from ES.
What is it is the ES transferring to HCDS responsible for calling the member back?
True or False: Member calling regarding cough, this should be documented under conditions.
What is False?
Member Triage.
What is Triage in the Services Tab?
You need clarification regarding processes.
What is contact the SME/Shift Lead?
The caller reports her adult daughter having back pain and painful urination. The daughter is at work and unavailable.
What is Not to Triage?
Member is disconnected after the nurse receives the Program ID.
It is the HCDS nurse’s responsibility to make one attempt to call the member back.
Obtain and document all current diagnosis.
What is Conditions?
Member questions what is normal blood pressure.
What is Education in the Services Tab?
You've had a stressful call and feel you need a few minutes to gather yourself.
Member is available in the room but has his son to call regarding acute symptoms.
What is member may verify HIPAA and give verbal permission for just this call?
After program enrollment and complete HCDS Call One Assessment.
What is make MHD Appointment?
Obtain and document these prescribed, over the counter or supplements.
What is Medications?
Member agrees to participate in healthier living.
What is document in Call One in Services tab?
You need assistance with obtaining PTO hours for 2025.
What is contact Donna for assistance? She will advocate on your behalf.
You assess this before verifying HIPAA
What is stability?
What is OMNI dialer removal?
Assess name, relationship, and accessibility.
What is Provider?
Member would like transfer to Customer Service for claims questions.
What is document in New Member information?
You have completed training in a process (old or new) but still unsure of what is needed to assist members.
What is contact Donna for 1:1 time with SME for additional training, tips and tricks?
Member refuses triage
What is document "refused triage" in Notes tab and check triage declined box on the End Communications screen?
Check Program Eligibility in this. It is your Source of Truth.
What SAI?
Obtain/document if pertinent to reason for call or provided by caller.
What is Allergies/Sensitivities?
Member has questions regarding different care options.
What is document in Decision Support?