What body part do you see with?
What do doctors wear on their hands for safety?
1. Gloves
2. Globes
3. Groves
4. Gomute
1. Gloves
What is the medical word for a 'high temperature'?
1. Fever
2. Cold
3. Hot
4. Sick
1. Fever
What is the name of this room in a hospital?
1. X-Ray Room
2. Rentogen Room
3. Camera Room
4. Noisy Room
X-Ray Room
What is the name of this famous nurse?
1. Florence Morningale
2. Terrance Nightingale
3. Florence Nightingale
4. Horrace Mightingale
Florence Nightingale
What body part do you use to hear sounds?
What is used to give a 'vaccination' or to take blood?
1. Tongue Depressor
2. Syringe
3. Sewing Needle
4. IV
2. Syringe
What is another name for the Influenza?
1. Influ
2. Flu
3. Enza
4. Inza
2. Flu
What is the name of this outfit?
1. Tunic
2. Nurse Uniform
3. Scrubs
4. Nurse
On average, how far do nurses work in 1 day of work?
1. 2-3km
2. 6-8km
3. 10-12km
4. 0-1km
What body part 'moves' blood around your body?
What bed can be moved up and down in a hospital?
1. Gurney
2. Bunk Bed
3. Wheelchair
4. Futon
What is the word for how this character is feeling?
1. Tired
2. Sleepy
3. Dizzy
4. Vomit
3. Dizzy
Which country do you think this hospital food is from?
1. Russia
2. Italy
3. Germany
4. America [USA]Germany
How many male/men nurses are there usually in a hospital?
1. 10%
2. 30%
3. 1%
4. 20%
10% 1 man for every 9 nurses.
What body part helps you breathe?
1. Heart
2. Stomach
3. Lungs
4. Liver
What is used to check a person's temperature?
1. Thermometer
2. Hand
3. Pulse Oximeter
4. Tourniquet
What is the word for itchy eyes and sneezing in spring?
1. Allergy [Hayfever]
2. Cold
3. Corona/COVID
4. Flu/Influenza
1. Allergy [Hayfever]
What country is this hospital in?
1. America
2. Japan
3. Korea
4. Australia
How long is a normal nurse's shift [in 1 day]?
1. 5 hours
2. 8 hours
3. 3 hours
4. 12 hours
12 hours
What organ 'cleans' blood in your body?
1. Stomach
2. Kidney
3. Liver
4. Pancreas
What does a doctor use to listen to the heart and lungs? [In English]
1. Stethoscope
2. Headphones
3. Periscope
4. Microscope
1. Stethoscope
What is the word for feeling sick in your stomach?
1. Vomiting
2. Nausea
3. Sick
4. Back pain
2. Nausea
Which hospital has the most beds in Japan?
1. Fujita Medical University Hospital [Aichi]
2. Kyushu University Hospital [Fukuoka]
3. University of Tokyo Hospital [Tokyo]
4. St. Marianna Medical University Hospital [Kagawa]
1. Fujita Medical University Hospital - 1376 beds [Aichi]
2. Kyushu University Hospital - 1275 beds[Fukuoka]
3. University of Tokyo Hospital - 1226 beds [Tokyo]
4. St. Marianna Medical University Hospital - 1200 beds [Kagawa]
How many nurses are there in Japan?
1. 900,000
2. 500,000
3. 1,500,000
4. 2,000,0001,500,000 Nurses