What are the 3 types of disciplines Solace provides?
What must you do on every email you send
sign your name
where in MC do you find signed orders?
clinical docs.
What kind of orders do we take?
verbal or written
How do you to verify a PCP?
Send email New PCP for Initials(template) to PA Admin
what email is sent one we get post eval orders and auth
Green Light
How long are the cert periods
60 days
The software is used to check the F2F and orders boxes.
what insurance should never be on awaiting auth
Medicaid (Primary or Secondary), CCBs, Denver Health “Medicaid Choice”
What is an agency transfer
6 Things needs to process an eval?
PCP, Orders, F2F(MCD), dx codes, meds, allergies
what do you do if you don't have auth for a post eval orders
Fax the physician office Post Eval Authorization Hold template