Lab Values
Pt Care

This med is given to prevent DVT/PE.

What is Tinzaparin?


When this lab value is low, you need to assess for dizziness and fatigue.

What is Hemoglobin?


Everytime you enter a pt room, you assess these 3 things.

What are ABCs?


Many of your pts have been on this med but do not have a confirmed dx/history of GERD.

What is Pantoprazole?

You would use this machine to assess for urinary retention.

What is a bladder scanner?


Auscultating an apical pulse is a required assessment for this medication.

What is Digoxin?


If this lab value is elevated it can be an indication of infection.

What is WBC?


A normal urine output is __ml/hr.

What is 30mls?


I consider this the most important part of report and have expected you to consistently report this information to your partner when you go on break.

What is code status?


This IV product is order for pts with a dx of Cirrhosis and symptoms of ++edema (or third spacing). It encourages the fluid in the intersitial space back into the intravascular space.

What is Albumin?


This medication class are sometimes referred to as "water pills".

What are Diuretics?

These lab values will be extremely elevated in Cirrhosis.

What are LFTs?


Your pt is c/o 8/10 pain to their LLE. You administer 2mg Dilaudid PO PRN. You know that you need to return in ____mins to do your post dose monitoring of ___, ___, and ___.

What is 45-60 mins? What are RR, sedation scale, and pain scale?

You have seen me use this trick when attempting an IV insertion on a hard poke pt. *Disclaimer- it may not be best practice but it works in a pinch and needs to be used with caution.

What is a double tourniquette?


If a "cardiac workup" is ordered, you will anticipate these 3 tests.

What are ECG, chest xray, and blood work?


Heparin can be ordered under two separate and different nomograms _____ and _____. It is very important we double check the reason they are on Heparin.

What is Cardiac and DVT/PE nomograms?


This lab value being outside of normal limits is considered urgent and can cause cardiac arrhythmias d/t it's involvement in managing the electrical activity of the myocardium.

What is Potassium?


Your pt is pale, diaphoretic, shaking, and may c/o dizziness and nausea. With this information you realize that your pt may be experiencing ___________.

What is hypoglycemia?


You can use this product prior to applying a dressing on the periwound skin to protect the skin from further breakdown. Hint- Andi loves this product and recommends it on *every* dressing change.

What is SkinPrep?


During AM VS, your pt is tachycardic at 119 bpm and their BP is 149/97. You check their trend and they usually sit around 83 bpm and 122/86. You know they are awaiting a test later today and did not sleep well. You will consider your pt holistically and assess for ______, as this could be a valid reason for an elevated pulse.

What is anxiety?


This medication is a potassium sparing Diuretic.

What is Spironolactone?

If your pt complains of chest pain, you should anticipate these 2 lab values will be ordered to determine if they are experiencing a cardiac event.

What is CK and Trops?


Your pt's dx is Liver Failure. Your pt becomes confused in the afternoon, when they were A&Ox3 during your AM assessment. You will notify the doctor and recommend that we check this lab value to assess the reason for the new onset confusion.

What is ammonia?


Full thickness loss of skin including epidermis, dermis, and SC tissue. Muscle, bone or tendon may be exposed. Slough, undermining and tunneling may be present.

What is a stage 4 wound?


Your pt with CHF has coarse crackles on auscultation, +3 pitting edema to bilat LE, and low urinary output. You receive a new order for Lasix 80mg IV BID. You recognize that aggressive diuresis puts your pt at risk for _________ changes and you know you need to monitor their labs.

What are electrolyte changes?
