Death and Dying
Ethics and Law
Communication and Documentation
Hod Podge

This is the last sense to leave before death

What is hearing?


This is the act of intentionally touching a person without their consent .

What is battery ?


This is the type of information gathered using the sense of sight, touch, hearing or smell .

What is objective information ?


This is the best position for bowel elimination .

What is squatting and leaning forward .


These are the added to Standard Precaution when the NA has a client with a contagious disease. 

What is Transmission Based Precaution?


This is the part of the grief process where someone who has died is missed by a loved one.

What is loneliness?


This is the person who saw abuse of an elder and must report it to the nurse .

Who is the mandated reporter ?


This is the care team member who coordinates the daily care for residents .

Who is the registered nurse ?


This is the best position to place a resident who is about to receive an enema .

What is the Sim's position ?


This is the position a resident who is about to have a abdominal and breast exam is placed in .

What is the dorsal recumbent ?


These are the Kubler-Ross stages of grief .

What is denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance ?


This is the person a nurse aide may share information about a patient with .

Who is the care team member ?


This is the primary way a resident can call for help when they are in their room or in the restroom and need assistance.

What is the call bell or call light ?


This is what we are trying to prevent when we change the immobile resident's position in the bed every two hours .

What are pressure injuries or pressure ulcers ?


This is a device that is placed around the residents waist on the outside of clothing to assist the nurse aide in helping the resident to stand

What is the gait belt ?


This is the best thing a nurse aide can do to show support for a family who has experienced a loss of a resident .

What is listening ?


This is the 1987 act that changed the way nursing facilities were run and how nurse aides were trained

What is OBRA?


This is the line of authority that exists in healthcare to protect the nurse aide as well as the employer.

What is chain of command ?


This is the position that places the head of the bed up at an angle of 30-45 degrees

What is the semi-Fowler's position ?


This is another term for insulin reaction .

What is hypoglycemia ?


This is the type of breathing pattern marked by periods of rapid shallow breaths followed by periods of apnea

What is Cheyne-Stokes ?


This type of abuse occurs when a nurse aide takes the change off of the resident's dresser to use to buy a soda for herself .

What is financial abuse ?


This is the report filled out every time a resident experiences a fall .

What is the incident report ?


This is the side of the body the nurse aide instructs the resident who has one sided weakness to move first when they are stepping toward a wheelchair . 

This is the side of the resident that the nurse aide should be standing near when the resident has one sided weakness .

What is the strong side and the weak side?

This is a condition that causes weak bone structure and places the resident at greater risk for fractures .

What is osteoporosis ?
