"Who do they think they are?"
"How much did you spend?!"
"We are working short today."
"What do they do all day?"

The largest department at The Pines.

What is the Nursing department. With 138 current employees. Nursing represents over 1/3rd of the Pines total employees.


The largest expense within the Nursing Department budget. 

What are salaries and wages. 

The three main shift start and end times in the nursing department. 

What is:





The time frame a Licensed or Registered Nurse legally has allowed to administer prescribed resident medications,

What is an hour before or an hour after the scheduled administration time. 


These two roles makeup majority of the Nursing Department.

What are Licensed or Registered Nurses and Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA's).


The role responsible for ensuring resident charges get tracked accurately and communicates these charges to finance for accurate billing.

Erica Torrence, Nursing Office Manager 

The total number of nursing shifts to staff per a 24 hour period for all of healthcare including AL.

What is 53 total shifts.


The total number of call bell alerts per day (24 hours).



These roles assist in the direct oversight of resident care on the households and are staffed 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

What are charge nurses and house supervisors. 


One of the most expensive chargeable medical supply items purchased by the nursing department for residents.

What are incontinency briefs. 


The stack of papers in the file in Erica's hand.

What is all of the 2023 Nursing Department time off requests, not including emergency time off requests such as injury, illness, bereavement.


The metrics by which our state regulatory agency monitors the care we provide to our residents.

What are quality measures. The Nursing Department tracks and trends key quality measures to ensure the highest quality of care is provided. Key areas include, falls, falls with major injury (i.e. fracture), infections - specifically Urinary Tract Infections, psychotropic (high risk) medications, weight loss, facility acquired pressure injuries.


These are the departments Nursing interacts with on a daily basis.

What is EVERYONE! Nursing interacts with each and every department on a daily basis, often several times throughout the day. We cannot do what we do, without each and every one of you.


$90,556 is______________.

What is the total amount spent by the Nursing department in 2023 for chargeable medical supplies. i.e. supplies we order for the residents that can be billed back to the resident.


What is the average CNA to resident care ratio for day shift and for night shift?

What is 1 CNA to every 6 residents on day shift and 1:10 on night shift. *Average CNA to resident ratio for  NC is 1:20 on day shift and 1:30 on night shift.


The average number of oral medications the Brown unit nurse administers for the 9:00am medication pass.

97  -each resident receives an average of 5-13 medications during this pass.
