What do you say before weighing someone on a manual scale
Do you need to use the bathroom
The top chamber of the heart is also known as the
How many ounces are in a cup
8 ounces
What is the top number called when taking a patient's blood pressure?
What is an action that you do before CPR
Make sure Conscious
What is the correct oxygen saturation?
What is the correct meaning for tachypnea
Fast breathing rate
What is 1 cubic centimeter also equivalent to
1 Milliliters
What prevents sickness and disease
What is the most accurate temperature
What are orthostatic vital signs
Take vital signs in different positions
What is cyanosis
Bluish or grayish color of the skin due to the lack of oxygen
How many ML are in 1 OZ
the term that mean a consistent method of doing something
What is a sinus rhythm also know as
Normal Heartbeat
What alters a temporal temperature
Sweat, Hair
What is a common cause of pneumonia
Swallowing problems
What is I&O
Intake & Output
The term for giving care for which you are not allowed legally to preform?
What does CNA stand for
Certified Nursing Assistant
What normal pulse per min
What the common name for an infection in the urinary tract
What is 30cc to ML
What does a registered dietician do
They make meal plans , Teach nutrition
Who is in charge of a licensed practical nurse
Registered Nurse