Tier One Precautions
What are Standard Precautions used for all patients
15 seconds
What is how long you should wash your hands
respirations less than 12 breaths/min
What is bradypnea?
What is diaphoresis?
swelling, redness, heat, and drainage of a wound
What is signs of infection
Tier Two Precautions
What are precautions used for specific types of infections and diseases?
touching patient or bathing patient
What is direct contact
fast heart rate
What is tachycardia
slow breathing
What is bradypnea?
edges of the sterile field
What 2.5 cm border of the sterile field is considered contaminated?
handwashing, antiseptic hand washing, antiseptic hand rub, surgical hand antiseptic
What is Hand Hygiene?
touching clothes, bed linens
What is indirect contact
most accurate way to take pulse
What is apical
a patient's general condition changes
When a nurse might measure vital signs?
Absence of all microorganisms
What is surgical asepsis?
Airborne, contact, droplet, protective environment
What are types of transmission-based precautions?
gloves and gown
What is items to wear during contact precautions
< 120 mm/Hg
What is normal for systolic reading
pulse deficit
What is the different between the apical pulse and the radial pulse?
What is the best method to measure core temperature?
Never place soiled linens here
What is on the floor or near your uniform/clothes?
N95 mask, private room,
What barrier protection wear during airborne precautions
Age, gender, smoking, activity, stress
What are factors that affect vital signs?
Heat loss
What are convection, radiation, conduction, and evaporation?
increased body temperature
What is febrile?